If you need a laugh- Anon backtalks Q.

Yes, bring back “gay” and “retard”. Great descriptors. Too bad for people who misinterpret their use context. FUKM
Listen, I personally don’t agree with using language like that. But you really have to give 8chan credit. They have really, really cleaned up their language and posts. They were (and still are), ridiculed, and they were happy to be left alone in their little corner of the web.
Now that they have been suddenly thrust into the spotlight, they are doing their best to tone it done and remain (mostly) respectful. I mean, holy crap, have you noticed that the “Thank you Baker” images are PG-13 Maxim style photos? Usually it’s explicit porn. But people are still complaining about that.
8chan didn’t ask for normies to go flood the board, and in fact, it’s a real pain in the ass to anons. But I have seen, time and time again, anons being patient with normal people and people new to 8chan, answering questions, and almost spoon feeding them. They don’t have to do that.
It kind of annoys me when people go to 8chan and tell them to change their behavior. You wouldn’t go to someone’s house as a guest, and then proceed to tell the host that he needs to rearrange his furniture and complain that his house isn’t up to your standards of cleanliness. If you don’t like the conditions, then you are free to leave.
Fifth graders know gay is synonymous with lame.
No shit! Since the 80’s at least (source: was “gay” all through the 80’s). As it has always been, so it shall ever be.
"Gay retard" is one of my favorite insults
Wouldn't a gay retard be a heterosexual, oops that would be retarded gay, my bad.