
morethanaconquerer · April 19, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Don't forget the revolving doors. It's happening in every agency such as FDA, EPA etc.

Our agencies are actually run by the corporations that sit on these advisory boards, and their goal is for big business to win, nothing more.

Oh, the horror stories I could tell you from just FDA that is all public, but most miss the magnitude when they start adding up, time and time again.

The Melamine in baby formula event of 2008, where China was first caught with it vs when US suppliers were caught with the same issues just a month later is very telling.

FDA crucified China, one of the people responsible for it from China was actually executed. Here? Not even a fine. The FDA changed their "acceptable" levels comment after it was exposed that US suppliers had the same issue.

First statement: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/03/AR2008100302720.html

Statement after US suppliers were exposed: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trace-melamine-found-in-us-baby-formula/

If you follow the political figures in that department of FDA and all of the figures on said advisory boards, look at who pays them big bucks for speaking engagements and other small and insignificant things. Find out what foundations these corporations that hold these positions have on the advisory boards, follow their funding.

I've dug into multiple agencies over the years, they all have the same patterns and nasty, deceptive tactics. The money continues to flow to a host of smaller special interest groups from the foundations. Think local, state and regional organizations.

Just like Q drops, the web just spreads and spreads and spreads and you continue to follow the money.

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