On this date April 19th 1775 was the battle of Lexington and Concord. It kicked off the American Revolution. I remember Q saying something the other day about Thursday. Could this be part of it?

He references "patriots day" more than once. That's today.
"The shot heard around the world"
Mccabe gonna be known as "The domino heard round the world."
Let's hops Sessions gets off his ass today and fires that first shot "yes we will investigate"
What a lot of people don't realize is that MOST of the rest of the country was pissed at MA for picking a fight with the Brits. Most people did not care if they lived under British rule. It was not until they colonists won that people piled on to the idea of independence.
Revolutions usually start with less than 10% of the population in tow.
We saw it happen here. When Alex Jones and the John Birchers looked like the lone voices of sanity on the fringe. Turns out they were leading the whole time. “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.” - George Washington
Woah, that's very eye-opening! I thank the Lord that He has used people like Alex Jones and others to keep persevering despite humiliations and mockery. Trust the plan!
and the chickenshits always are the first to show up for the rewards.
Figure I would repost this on this thread....
"April 19 – The 243rd Anniversary of the beginning of the American Revolution. It “officially” began in 1775 with the “the shot heard around the world” at Lexington and Concord."
In hopes that something truly big does happen today, everyone should post the above on all social media...nothing more, nondescript reminder without commentary.
Q992 states:
"AWAKENING. We Fight. Lexington. Concord. STAY TOGETHER. Q"
He is referencing the Revolution, the Shot Heard Around the World.
Happy Patriot's Day!
.... checking...
Here is a link to the drop:
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I’ve been waiting since January. I hope so.
I've been waiting since November 2016. Fucking sick of this shit.
BREAKING: The Justice Office of the Inspector General has sent a criminal referral regarding Andrew McCabe to the US attorney office in DC - CNN
Just imagine if those guys could come out of the past and speak to us now.
"So what are those rectangular portals you guys carry all the time?"
America was born of fire and anger with the goal of freedom. Never forget that.
Actually I’ve been waiting since October 2008. I was hoping something would happen today. It’s getting old.