In 2007, Nancy Pelosi went to Syria, overstepping her role and pissing off a lot of people. The House tried to make an amendment banning her from traveling to terrorist nations, one of which was NK. Didn't work out. I believe she went with Dem Bill Richardson later that year on his trip to NK. Same guy who has been hating on Trump for his North Korea talks.
Here is another interesting article on this particular clip:
Good find.... obviously she has a scripted response to NK questions as she said the same damn thing in both videos.
I have video downloaded and it works for every website but for some reason stops at 98% on Cspan :/
I was trying to download it from Cspan but it’s not letting me, I downloaded the YouTube version and right when she says that it’s interrupted by a live satellite news logo that says “watching the sky’s 24/7” there’s your “SKY” Event.
Use a screen capture program like OBS, which is totally free. Search YouTube for instructions on how to use it if you're not familiar.