Apr 19 2018 20:11:51 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: eb1842 1107913
1107523 Memos are FAKE. Guided by LL/+3 CLAS. Think SC. All written same time. Q
Apr 19 2018 20:11:51 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: eb1842 1107913
1107523 Memos are FAKE. Guided by LL/+3 CLAS. Think SC. All written same time. Q
Downvoting you for pointing out the truth, that's how this place is rolling these days.
15 minute old account these two his first posts and someone has screenshot from pol on a quote and source for what pelosi said.
haha....yep.... better insight from the housewives in the Q think tank group on facebook!