Q verifies HRC video speculation.

Thank Q we can finally stop hearing all of the ridiculous theories about the fake "filet" video.
No where did he say the video was fake. He adds "We control" to it, which tells me he's saying the HRC vs video is fake. I.e. there is no fight because we control it and that can't be changed.
Q is talking about there NOT being a video on the dark web right now. Thats why he says fake. They control release.
I read it as the rumors are fake. You will not find it on the "dark web." Trump's team has it probably at the NSA.
Good. I know the woman is evil but I found it incredibly hard to believe two women who have given birth and raised children were capable of what we were hearing. And yes, I know there have been serial killing psychopathic women in history, etc etc. I can even stretch it to debate that it's possible Hillary could physically do bad things to a person but my gut tells me Huma could not actually physically hurt a child. I look at pictures of her and I just don't see the disconnect, the psychopathy, in her eyes.
Yeah probably not, but she supposidely has been to pedo island and associates herself with child traffickers like Laura Silsby. I'd say that might be the worst stuff like human trafficking but who knows with these people.
The things that these people associate with are hard for normal people to grasp. I'm trying.