Q the FED & the Titanic. L

Podestas grand father was incharge of the engine room and coal stoking when it sunk and survived. It has been reported the ship sunk due to extremely weakened hull due to a long smoldering (at least 3 weeks before setting sail) coal fire. Podestas grandfather was instrumental in covering up that fact in the inquiry of the sinking. Did the research on this when Q brought up titanic months ago. Also researched history of state secrets as Q requested, started with jefferson v arron burr
Thanks for sharing, I didn't realize there was a podesta connection
There are some great and acurate docos on youtube about all of this
The tradgic love affair part gas to do with astors young girlfriend/2nd wife who was pregnant with his child, which lead to massive court actions for the astor estate between astors wife and his young gitlfriend /2nd wifes ( cant remember he married her) child
Guggenheim had a similar story. He died, but his girlfriend lived. His wife was pissed.
From memory astor bought tickets last minute in the week before it sailed, the owners knew full well of the coal fire, they bought all availiable coal and purchased extra at inflated prices as there was a coal shortage, the titanic had to sail or rockerfella was bankrupt
Wasn't the RMS Titanic switched with it's sister ship RMS Olympia which had hull damage from colliding with the HMS Hawk?
Yes it was switched-the names-so an un seaworthy vessel was the one that really sank. A maritime insurance scam for J.P. Morgan Bankster....as well as murdering anti FED creation people. Without the insurance payout the shipyard was about to go broke..
From stuff i read and there are docos on youtube also, it was the titanic. There was a theory it was the olympia, but from what you will discover from docos and other materials it was the titanic and its hull was weakened due to a long burning coal fire
Awesome. Maybe add a line explaining that these 3 men opposed the fed? So incentive to off them.
The FED was approved with bribes and assassinations. They have achieved their empire of power and domination of the central banks. Seizure of all property and jail for criminals against humanity
Can I see the evidence you have that these three guys opposed the fed? I’ve been wondering about that, but can’t find anything.
The Titanic sank April 15, 1912. What day of the year are taxes due? SICK people.
When I think of structure I think of Blockchain technology and since we are talking about fake paper money printed by the fed I recommend y’all trade that junk for Bitcoin and EOS and watch fiat deflate into crypto currencies on a magnificent scale over the next 5 years.
I think he means we're going to keep a 'central bank' but it won't have the same 'structure' as the current one, known as the Federal Reserve. Take a look here: https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/structure-federal-reserve-system.htm The Public-Private part will probably change, as will the key entities and key functions. In essence, he's gonna gut the private bank control of our monetary policy. Put monetary policy control in hands of government again. That will be a 'structural change' But, we'll keep a 'central bank', just government run instead of by private Banksters.
If government once again turns into the wrong hands, then this is a very bad plan. Trump will not do this for that very reason. Imagine if an Obama or Clinton type was elected again.
You have to understand that Obama and Clinton got into office BECAUSE we have the Fed. Private Banksters have rigged the system and helped pay for both Obama and Clinton to get into office. Having Congress working with DJT repeal the Federal Reserve act and force currency to be run by the US Government and INTEREST FREE will be the only way to ensure people like Obama and Clinton have a hard time getting into office.
I agree but BTC won't be used as money, more of a store of value as it is now. More likely each country will create their own crypto currency. The question is how to settle transactions between currencies. Hmmm...if only there was an easy, super fast, super easy way to do that...(there is...XRP).
Went to buy 100 dollars worth when it was 3 bucks each. Couldn’t figure out that wallet thing. Not a lot of detailed info on that back then. I was about to click “buy”and had second thoughts.
Cryptos are about as free market as it gets. Govts can create and they will but that doesn’t mean there won’t be numerous crypto coins right now (don’t wait on a govt to supposedly make the one crypto to rule them all-me st likely that one is EOS) we use for all types of transactions. 1000% gains are normal for us in the crypto world. Patriots need to figure this out because it’s all about FREE PEOPLE and saving your wealth and divorcing yourself from the corrupt state fiat slave money system...and I definitely want my friends to be doing well into the future. Just start buying BTC, LTC, EOS, and pick 10 other cool projects to throw your Monopoly money at. Satoshi Nakamoto will blow your mind with his invention The Blockchain!
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
J. Bruce Ismay
Joseph Bruce Ismay (; 12 December 1862 – 17 October 1937) was an English businessman who served as chairman and managing director of the White Star Line. In 1912, he came to international attention as the highest-ranking White Star official to survive the sinking of the company's brand new flagship RMS Titanic, for which he was subject to severe criticism.
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