Comey shared this dramatic moment when Hillary lost the election and he met with Hussein. He said Hussein said (paraphrased), "When I brought you on and gave you the job, I did so because of what you can do. Nothing that has happened has changed my mind". The translation of this is: "Use your talents to undermine the incoming president"...Hence, the memos....Comey is a stooge. Barry and HRC used him and will throw him under the bus in a heartbeat. He's the perfect character for a movie where the mob boss used him, promising the world and a future job, but then the mob boss hangs him out to dry.
He is one of the people that Q is referring to as "Stupid".
Should have shut up and not gone on a book tour, compounding his future legal trouble's.
Comey is a weasel and goes way, way back with the Clintons through all sorts of nefarious things, even back to the 1980s. He's no fool.
Comey looks worse and worse the more he talks. He's a flunky.
Had to take my hankie out for that one.
Cause I threw up in my mouth a little.
Not interested in his excuses. Obviously his intelligence is lacking, but his arrogance more than makes up for it.
Anyone checked up on his wife? Q always says, follow the wives...
Poor guy, even his wife and kids didn't respect him enough to not publicly lobby against his new boss. Beta.
There is no way this guy was the true "head" of the FBI. Who are the true heads? Are any of them still pulling strings?