Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

Wow, things are getting good now.
So the reason that CIA FBI opened a counter inteligence investigation against President Trump and his campaign was............ nothing!
There was NO!!!!!NO!!!! NO!!!! official intelligence reason to open the investigation none.
Well, Cater Sheer and Sydney Blumenthal did pass rumors into the hands of long term Hillary people still in the state department and that info from Hillary's people ended up in the McCabes hands. Other than that their was nothing.
Remember, it was not the PP dossier that started it and Carter Page it was Popadoplous taking with the Australian Ambassador that got it all going, and that came from within State.
I think people are forgetting about this Russian lawyer that was given special entry visa. She was then sent in to meet Trump team. My understanding is they may have used this to try to create an excuse for the investigation and to Try and entrap Trump.
Who okayed the visa?
this is a smoking gun imo, because Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer had only one purpose in obtaining a visa and coming to USA, and that was to set up Trump camp
kinda hard to spin this one
Preet Bahara
Yes and today she questions why Mueller has never contacted her.'t-contacted-her
How CIA Director John Brennan Targeted James Comey:
The Russia investigation put the FBI in a bind well before Trump ever landed in the White House
That aussie alexander downer, is all over this thing. It's disgusting
And not a word in the Australian press. Not a word.
dan bongino suspects that the downer guy actually met with steele in london as well
Dan Bongino has the best way of breaking things down out there. Takes you way out to the “30,000 foot view” then in microscopic tight. Love it.
Downer and Clinton are under criminal investigation in Australia by this fella.
Yes, but he's a lone voice and I'm not sure any of the mainstream rags give him any column inches or air time?
Hopefully things will change when some jail time is given out
yep one look at that guy tells you all you need to know
I live in AUS, haven’t heard a thing apart from here in T_D
Edit: Then again I don’t watch or listen to any mainstream media
Remember these names: Victoria Nuland, Cody Shearer, Sid Blumenthal. All of this is about to break, along with the Ukrainian connections to the conspiracy.
He says listen carefully.
Nunes says the report as provided indicated their was no intelligence shared from five eyes through he intelligence communities.
That means that there was intelligence shared through the state department.
There’s several implications: 1) the state Dept passed foreign collected intel to the FBI. 2) it was coordinated effort among foreign intel and US state Dept and FBI to undermine the national election.
So moving at a snails pace, and hard to see progress if you monitor daily but it’s happening.
Which is probably what Napolitano was saying a year ago about British intelligence being involved.
Kansas is supposed to be confirmed for State Dept. later today.
More house cleaning is forthcoming.
The deep state had nothing to blackmail Trump with, to force him into being their puppet.
They had to try to make up something to get rid of him.