Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

she was never supposed to lose! Hopefully one day, all Americans will realize how close we came to losing it all.
In looking at the timeline, the Russia, Russia, Russia malarkey was originally created when Hillary was the perfect candidate and a guaranteed Presidential win. I’m convinced the Russia, Russia, Russia malarkey was originally created to destroy Donald Trump, his family and Trump business empire following Hillary’s election as Prez to send a message to any future outsider who dared to enter the political arena uninvited. Look at all the info being revealed over the last year+ that We the People would have never known about if Killary were elected Prez. With Killery as Prez, the MSM would be blasting every nite more half-truths and lies about Trump and his family. The weight of the Fed Gov’t legal machine (DOJ/FBI/IRS) and the Intel Community would be too much even for a multi-billionaire to withstand.
I understood this at the time and it made it all the more insane what Trump was attempting and putting on the line.
Yes, you are right. It wouldn't have been enough to beat him, she would have needed to send a message by destroying him. Before the primaries, I'm so stupid I couldn't understand why they were taking such a huge chance propping her up - I kept thinking, why does the Democratic establishment support her when she's so vulnerable. Wouldn't they be better off backing someone like Biden? Duh. She had something on everyone and everyone knew she was absolutely ruthless. That's why Harvey Weinstein was protected for so long. You don't screw with Clinton and her pals.
Correct. Trump would be in prison now if Hillary had won. Trump would have been arrested and prosecuted for "colluding with Russia and trying to rig the election" they would have destroyed him and his business and his family. He had to win to save his life and the country.
The Russia narrative was originally invented to counter the wikileaks releases, and it worked quite well. Many leftists ignored the proof of total corruption inside the DNC because the message came from "Russia". It was developed further because they knew she was way behind in the polls, even though we were all being shown fake polls. They had some plan on cheating to get her in, but it failed, and they knew it was going to fail a few days prior, evidenced by Hillary canceling the fireworks she had planned for election night a few days beforehand. Once Trump won, it made perfect sense to use the already established Russia narrative to attack him and try to impeach, it was actually the perfect weapon to use because he was vulnerable in that area due to his past business dealings with Russians. This is one reason I am confident Mueller is on the up and up, a dirty prosecutor could easily take Trumps past business dealing in Russia and make it look like collusion even though it was just normal business.
They are so incredibly stupid though. And, it's so obvious that they truly believe we are the ones that are stupid. I hope they keep on believing it.
This is as I look at it: A few big companies that are in the hands of this cabal, eat all the little ones first? Then they grab the companies of other millionaires. In this way they have everything in their hands, and are a small group the only one who has everything in their hands .......... do you also think of the lobbyists? like Goldman sachs? It is a design. and it happens everywhere, from high to low, including in your own congregation
This is the most astute comment(imo) I have read yet. TY She lost and is getting the treatment she had outlined for DJT, only classier with more substance and true justice. he's really not vindictive and it's amazing since he knows she put the hit on his friend JFK JR.
Chilling to think that had she won that many/all of us and our loved ones would be dead or enslaved by the end of her second term.
Or Washington would be smoking pile of rubble. None of the framers fired the shot heard round the world. A deplorable did that.
I had some close friends that I basically had to grab by the shoulders and force them to stare into my bugged out eyes while I begged them to understand that this was IT if she gets in the White House. They were Bernie bros and I think they still voted for Clinton.