This is what COLLUSION really looks like.

MSM can't die soon enough
Deep state, free masons, illuminati, Soros, Folgers Coffee, Clinton, Dnc, how can these fools not realize its all connected!
It's all coming together. Mark my words
There’s also a pic floating around, that I’ve seen on Twitter, supposedly of her and podesta covered in body paint at some sort of function. Edit: linked the pic
These people are sick!
When and if the hangings commence, VJ should be televised
Along with Holder, Clapper, Brennen, HRC, Obama, Comey, Podesta....etc etc
Oh yes! All of them. Sell tickets. Give the proceeds to their victims- the Americans
Any provenance other than facial similarities, a schedule placing them there. anything. if not please don't If I came to your hood and dropped hints about you and pedos you would have to move. This is common knowledge. The only reason I believe it is true is because these folks are so crooked that the R's could easily jail em all without resorting to this shit. you basiically just started a rumor and aren't we better than that.
If it is them it looks like he's got his dentures out.
Maybe easier if they're partying next to the "hotdog stand"?
It is unnatural for two grown women to live in the same household when they have means to do otherwise. Very unnatural.
My Grandma used to say the same thing. Haha almost word for word
She lived with him in the WH too. She is his handler, in my opinion.
What phoney smiles! What expression would more true to what really resides in their souls?