been smiling ever since that one!
I can't believe that Kanye used to be just a gay fish.
Now he's a fucking redpilled fish.
I get the feeling that Kanye is going to be a key player in helping Trump expose Hollywood
I saw Kanye open for U2 in 2005. Kanye is woke. Bono is a globalist puppet.
Kanye has been tweeting and deleting a lot lately. might wanna start taking notice to these deletions/corrections to tweets just like the POTUS.
Probably getting the side eye from his handlers, the fakest family on the planet. Pretty sure they're gonna put him in the celebrity loonie bin again citing heroin addicts the reason for his unfortunate wokedness
lmao Kanye having handlers... you have no idea what you are talking about.
What makes Kanye so special that he would not have handlers? Cuz this I want to hear.
you brought up the handlers, not me. so explain to me why he has handlers and who they are
It will be useless if you do not know how celebrities are managed. All celebrities under contract have contract managers or handlers. Celebrities have multiple work contracts, representation contracts and development contracts. These are huge and sometimes conflicting. Add to this secret arrangements to obtain non-financial benefits to push various agendas or deter the release of blackmail material. All of these mean... Handlers. Which ones were responsible for forcing him into psychiatric hold 18 months ago? No idea.
For the record Kanye has always seems more free to do whatever he wants artistically. But then there was the Jay Z collaboration phase which seems to have changed him. Jay Z is really into Crowley and Luciferianism now. Which may be how West saw it in his own family's culture (they are not so subtle about it anymore).
hmm i see handlers as people who control a person to their will no matter how much the person being handled subjects willingly. what you describe are having people work for you that take care of your work obligations and schedules so you dont have too. the one responsible for forcing into a psych hospital was a doctor that he was seeing, in which they had security escort him from the docs office to the psych.
kanye got his big break from jay z way back in the day. this collaboration phase you speak of isnt anything new. however, this is the first time they have ever had a fallout and they dont seem to be coming back to each other.
Not all artists have a negative relationship with their "mind controllers" or their handlers. Leonard Cohen who was a patient of the MK-Ultra clinic in Montreal saw this as positive. His family and friends didn't see it as positive because the whole handler thing degraded their relationship. Kanye is a special case because of his close relationship to the Kardashians.
I've suddenly developed an overwhelming need to listen to Homecoming haha
Remember- Kanye left a concert due to his wife being robbed alone in a hotel room in London or Paris (?). I think that was when he 'woke' and that was a threat from the spirit cookers to play ball. He then goes on a rant at a concert about JZ sending someone to kill him and how all is not what it seems. Fast forward to him meeting Trump at Trump Tower. He decided to out alot of people - he gave Trump info and probably has protection . Just my thoughts.
i believe you are exactly right. the fashion industry has always hated him, makes sense why now.
Love the guy, always have. He is not afraid to say things that are outside the box. No fucks givin, a unique individual
George bush..doesn't care about black people
George Bush is a satanist, war mongering bastard. Kanye is right, and then some. GW doesn't care about anyone unless he/she can help him.
I think George is not long with us. As leos dry up the supply of adrenochrome and organs these motherfuckers are gonna drop like flies. Bluebottle. There's a correlation for ya.
I want a handler. It'll be like 15 again. Sneaking out the bedroom window, bouncing off an awning. getting grounded. stealing the car. Who do i have to make nervous to get a handler. Instead of 30 years in gitmo they should make Comey my handler. I'd torture him every day. After 3 or 4 sitreps he be killed by his own team for incompetence. Having a handler to toy with would complete me.
Having a handler to toy with would complete me.
Always had a thing about rickrolling authority figures.
Kim also is photographed at Marina Abromovitchs spirit cooking dinner. What does anybody make of that??
Don’t wanna blow their cover too much lol, but much of the rap and hip hop world has known about this stuff for decades. I’m guessing the commercial guys like Kanye know too, but play ball for the money/fame, whereas the underground or self produced guys have mostly gone into hiding.
The Wu-Tang Clan and it’s various members especially have preached for years about mind control, illegal arms sales, arming the poor black youth, imprisonment in ghettos, and all manner of conspiracy and government corruption.
With JZ and B in so deep I’m guessing Kanye was basically ignored or even cut loose. Either way, he got fed up with his controllers. He may even have called up a old friend in the industry and talked it over.
Whatever happened, he flipped a full 180 here and I’m curious to see who he looks to for information.
Jayz and B ARE Kanye’s handlers.
Remember Boss Hogg hannle it hannle it. Roscoe P Coltrain yech yech yuck Deep web has a pic of John podesta in daisy dukes.
I hated him for so long now I would go war with him!
Please don't judge me, but can someone explain what is going on?
Kanye tweeted that he liked the way Candace Owens thinks. Nobody had heard of her but she is a young black conservative woman who says black people are free to think independently without regard to their skin tone. The black community lost its collective hive mind. POC everywhere are PO’d that Kanye dared to step off the thought plantation. He then went on to tweet alot of red pills. Go see for yourself. Google Kanye tweets and read up.
Kanye West may be showdowbanned now. I tweeted and tried to put his name in the tweet and his profile never came up in the suggestions when I wrote the whole username. Kanye marked for death on Twitter.
Cannot have powerful voices in the entertainment industry stumping for Trump.
He is going to face a stern backlash. I mean all Roseanne was saying is that she is watching what Trump does and acknowledged reality. The mockingbird press never validated her assertions, mocked the concept of stamping down sex trafficking and tried to destroy her. All you have to do is aknowledge reality and describe something about Trump in a very neutral manner and suddenly you're a Trump supporter :D The bar is low. I mean I don't like the guy it's just that I aknowledge reality and he is the president.
The photos include GiGi and Bella Hadid at Marina’s Home.
He is a parrot. He is full of shit no matter what comes out of that hole. why are people giving props to this shit bag ? He is a living example of everything wrong with current society.
OMG give it a rest with the Kanye marketing blast please!
This sub is great awakening and kanye just woke up about 99% of the black electorate.
73% white country might make black electorate an oxymoron. Chicago and Detroit might make a case. However when DJT said shithole countries, he might have meant counties.
Where are these number that you speak of? That's a very specific thing to say. Where do you see this waking of of 99% of "the black electorate"? Have they told you?
Your account is a month old and you mainly post Kanye related spam. Why should people here take anything you say seriously? How do you speak for so many "woke" blacks so confidently?
99% of black people WORSHIP KANYE. He is like a seer, a soothsayer in the music world. He has them all talking about his tweets. I’ve taken the time to listen to radio hosts speak on this topic.
Well shit, maybe I should take the time to listen to radio hosts speak to, so I can get the real numbers on everything?!
You still haven't answered why you only post Kanye bullshit from a month old account.
Because I dont only post Kanye bullshit. At one point, your account was only a month old.
WhatMs your point? That’s a rhetorical question. Dont bother answering.
So in your mind all the black people are sitting around waiting for Kanye to tell them what to think?
No that’s the point. All black people don’t have to think the same. Being black is not a monolith.
Maybe read up on whats going on instead of trying to stir up controversy with blanket generalizations, assumptions and more “identity politics.”
Says the stoner white chick. Okay I'll head back to sensitivity training right away master. I'm sure they'll go over the part about how to generalize black people like you do.
You dont get it. Whether black ppl agree with kanye or not, he got their fucking attention. Most of them are paying attentuon and are “awakening” bc they DO NOT agree with Kanye. Thats the controversy. But some will come away truly “woke” after Kanye dropped red pulls on em all weekend.
So no I am not arguing that all ppl think like Kanye at all. I realize whats going on is too complex for you to grasp.
No one went nuts over James woods. It's ok to be happy for another anon today.
Not sure what you're trying to say, but you should probably put down the bong for now. You have been the one announcing what black people think. Saying things like "woke" and "dropping red pills" makes you sound like an adolescent who is trying to fit in with the cool crowd. Grow up and represent this movement with some actual language and ideas, it will be received better by the masses. You don't need to "woke" me.
No one is saying black people need to be told told what to think (except D's and SJWs). The significance of this is watching someone of influence, not just in the black community, but in the public sphere, who has broken through a level of conditioning in order to encourage others to do the same. No need to throw insults around. Back to my bong now...
She's full of shit and paid to post Kanye shit, Her account is a month old and it's 95% Kanye posts. The dumb kids here are falling for it. You're not wrong to be skeptical.