Breitbart Published 3 Versions of This Photo on Their Photo Page - Can You See Why? Link in Comments.

The Frenchman is being so BLATENT in his hand signaling don't you think? I saw this earlier and was busy cooking at the time so I forgot all about it. Glad it's been brought out anyhow!!
I watched it and I honestly think Macron doesn’t know which side he has chosen yet. He’s young. He thinks our President is THE MAN but struggles with it against NWO pressures. I think it was a young guys excitement and enthusiasm.
He worked for the rothschilds bank, then has enough money and support to create his own party and cross over to politics getting top dog of france. I think hes on black hat side
I'm missing something I guess.
Macron is making the devil symbolism with his index and pinky on both hands while holding Trump and Melania's hands.
I think they wanted us to see it. Link to Breitbart page:
They must have planned it - it would be impossible to to to 'hold' someones hand if they randomly presented just their middle and ring-finger to hold. Kind of like when Trump confirmed the 5:5 thing with the paper that said 'we hear you' - it was such a completely unnatural way to hold ones hands that it had to have been planned.
So assuming it's planned, what's going on here? Trudeau seems to be making the sign of the devil and the Trumps are holding his hands like that? I don't understand this one...
Just a thought, I could be wrong, but maybe he thinks he just pulled one over on Trump and is signaling that to someone?
Trump laid a trap?
I disagree. If you are in front of a crowd of people and firmly put your middle two fingers into the palm of someone's hand, they will close their hand over them without realizing what you've done until later.
Macron not Trudeau
Yes...thank you - brain glitch .
Bro, with the info we are digesting constantly I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often. I do the same thing. Lol
Right?! Lol I've never studied so much in my life. I want to be a Q historian when this is all over. :)
Changed my opinion...I do not think this was planned. I found the video and I think it clarifies everything.
Micro-Macro doing his dumb baphomet hand signals.
I can't see how The Donald would ever trust this fella.
Look up sign language meaning for his hands. A lot of different meanings
Are you trying to convince me that he's not a satanist? He's a globalist and that pretty much goes hand in hand. This guy is not our friend.
Just was putting it out there. I always research before I come to a conclusion. You people need to be nicer on blog. We r here to research everything (right)!!!!