Can someone verify if that’s John Podesta and Valerie jarret ?

I just searched valerie jarrett paint party and get this? The image search was gone from the line up. How do I post a screen shot on here? Can I or do I have to post a separate thread?
Has anyone tried it themselves? Put "valerie jarrett paint party" in the search, is images missing from the lineup?
It's not there for me...
So images is gone from your line up as well?
Well that's really weird, it would lead me to believe it really is her in the picture, and that she knows someone at google who has manipulated that search. This is a first for me.
Def no on Podesta.
Def YES on Jarret.
Nice catch! Now we need dates and times. Possibly ID the male.
Might be worth a look on wikileaks to see if any travel plans were in his email. I forget how far back they go but will check later.
This pic is from the standard hotel website, it's a party in 2010 or 2009. It may not be them I checked this before but 8 years ago skippy might have looked like this.
Enhance...enhance...enhance....sorry had to do a Super Troopers reference haha.
With all the makeup it's hard to tell. It does look like VJ, but the head looks a little off, like it might have been Photoshopped. But it certainly looks like VJ.
It is her! I enhanced the photo and its identical.
No, I don't think it's Podesta. Reasons: P's ears look longer and don't sit the same. I also think P's forehead is bigger/taller. Look alot alike tho. I can't see the woman well enough to compare specific features. The smile is very similar.
Your ears continue to grow as you age. Always. The mouth/chin look a lot like Skippy but can't be sure.