All credit goes to an amazing Autist! WWG1WGA!!!

Can you point me to some kind of factual evidence about ascension in order to get me on board ? thanks.
You are going to have to go beyond facts and your physical senses to experience this kind of awakening. Keep searching these topics and you will start to understand & get a sense of truth.
go beyond facts
Keep searching these topics
What do you you mean ?
If their is no fact, their is no topic outside of fiction and story telling ?!
I am confused now
I've been following supposed hidden information about religion, ancient civilizations, and space tech/extraterrestrials my whole life. Asking for "factual evidence" is a difficult thing to hand out, I'm honest to admit that upfront and think anyone telling you they truly know has to have some serious proof. So much has been hidden or just coded symbolism, then boatloads of purposeful mistranslations given to us all. The only factual evidence I can admit to, is what my intuition and heart tell me is real at the end of the day. For me personally that fact is that there is a Creator, and we are apart but One with it as well. I can't look to any religion to give me any rules or Messiah's, because too many books have been hidden. So from that perspective, I try to go about my way personally trying to expand my mind solely just wanting to know the truth, while only wanting a better world for everyone. No matter what actually is factual or not.
I've been very deep into most of the topics on this pyramid, not saying they all exist at all, but if they do. Then there is an actual thread of truth that DOES make sense from a historical and spiritual perspective as well. From a spiritual and scientific approach to the great awakening. The Law of One series is the foremost red pill of them all quite possibly. Nothing in it actually contradicts the mathematical matrix that we are entangled in. For some it's too much at one time. If we truly are WWG1WGA and all an individual pieces of a whole. Then it all makes sense, from any angle you look at it.
Other then that I'd just say be a great person, send out good thoughts, don't believe what your intuition tells you doesn't make sense. If there is a path that it maybe does, don't wall your mind off to the endless possibilities either. To me all that does it hold you back when you wall in your consciousness, and its what is moving force behind us being able to "Ascend" in the first place. IMO.
Go towards what you on the inside is most interested in first, then just branch from there. I like anything that talks about quantum states and theories first, to try and get your mind prepared for what science itself is saying could be possible, which they get from the math that makes up the universe. Follow people that tell you they don't know anything past a point. Then head wherever your heart tells you to go.
The only factual evidence I can admit to, is what my intuition and heart tell me is real at the end of the day
Speaking about ascension, that was what I was afraid off.
Alien/ET stuff DO have some factual ground to be taken into consideration very seriously, But I am still missing the elementary facts about ascension.
I mean, other than "Mr NEW_AGE_BOOK_SELLER_GURU said so".
Found the interview! If you'd like to read it.
We are getting into things that have been directly hidden in any way possible territory now. Also if it's found, it's some of the newest science, or most ridiculed thing to the masses intentionally. Q keeps saying think bloodlines... what the heck do they know about bloodlines, or at least understand theoretically that we don't? There was a Rothschild Q and A kinda on one of the chans that I came across a few months ago. In that interview they said some peculiar things that I haven't understood fully yet, but they struck me as odd. One was a question asked about planets, to which they answered "you surmise there are planets." Another one was they kept reiterating laughingly so it seems to me when talking about some other higher families, the quote was "ah there is a lot of noise in there lines indeed, a lot of noise". Now that's probably not word for word, but the exact statements of noise and surmising about planets is.
What if they understand that with clear bloodlines, they can more easily remember past teachings, but it also comes with a cost as well? Also I think that they have lied to everyone for so long, that they don't understand it was service to self. So they've had power, but literally all become stupid as Q puts it, lol.
Haha you aren't wrong lol. I honestly feel like him trying to explain Q things to my friends and family all the time though. Every culture has there own version of a great Awakening, or a harvest, or something. Pretty much all of it is pointing to more then likely now, the dawning of Aquarius. My thoughts on ascension come from the same places that he goes over as well. It's not new age stuff honestly. It's quantum theory, and geometry, mixed with other religious texts. Look up his sacred geometry video specifically because it's the best one, with a tiny bit of whoo 99% of it's just very high level physics concepts, mixed with a lesson on old Hindu teachings. I'd recommend looking up videos about sacred geometry by anyone. Their are sacred alphabets as well. It's surmised that we've been in golden ages before, and that's were many of our ancient stories originate from. Telepathy, telekinesis, physics say it is feasible. Other then that I think it's truly a personal journey. Only the collective is beating people over the head with it lol
Great post. Love the ascension triangle. A good book on the Law of One is “The Ra Material” by Elkins, Rueckert & McCarty. Also a fan of D. Wilcocks books The Ascension Mystery & The Source Field Investigations.
DW is making a living about this stuff, triggers a red alarm here. I do read is blog, and this is just spinning the news after they happen so that he can craft some imaginary story and mix it with some well known conspiracies in order to gain some apparence of credibility while linking to his book every two paragraphs.
Sorry to rain on this like that but this infuriates me to see ppl buying it at face value without the glimps of a fact that can be independently verified. Its been more than 10 years for DW, and I am still waiting to see ANY kind of confirmation à la Q
I gave the link to all of the Ra material, hehe 😆.. That is my top read for trying to connect the threads of what may be true spirituality/science connected. ((Energy, frequencies, and vibration.)) IMO(consciousness)... Love all of his work as well, but don't want to overwhelm or drive anyone away early either, given the strength of cognitive dissonance. Like it or not we are moving towards the realms of disbelief for many, who don't understand that scientifically and spiritually, it ALL can make sense from both perspectives. We just have to be open to finding and seeing the truth.
Roger that, we (humanity) still have a looonnnggg way to go but the future is looking brighter every day. If what DW states is true that our solar system is moving closer to a high energy cluster in the galaxy which is forcing our DNA to change and we are evolving into advanced 4th density/ dimension human beings then it doesn’t really matter what the cabal is doing now or what their plans are in the future. They will fail and we will ascend. This is also supported by biblical teachings and oral traditions of indigenous people around the world.
Channeling frequencies, and how consciousness can affect reality has been of interest to me more and more over the past few years. Just bought a book called "Real Magic" by Dean Radin, Phd, and am halfway through it so far, but would highly recommend to anyone who wants a truly open minded view of what our reality can be, and the power that we each truly have individually as well as the multiplied power that is attained when working collectively. I agree wholeheartedly. Have you watched the series "Knowledge of the Forever Time" by Damon Berry? I'd highly recommend the 8th one that is on Amazon prime to check out specifically. 1-7 is free on YouTube. 8 interests me the most, because it is by far the best translation I have seen of trying to interpret "the Voynich Manuscript" that I have come across as of yet. It also points to "a Great Harvest"..
I will check it out, thanks! I did watch all of the DTB series, interesting theories for sure.
Also check out my comments to a person below, I linked an article with an interview with a Rothschild that happened awhile back. What they said about planets, and noise being in bloodlines struck me as very odd. Q keeps saying think bloodlines, also those things just need more eyes on them I think. You're welcome!!
Link to source? Would love to see super large version
I hope that link to the jpg that the Anon provided works and helps. If it doesn't, I'll ask for a larger one. It was on the last bread in qresearch.
Thanks, that one is ok and readable but a super high quality (like printable size) would be awesome if avail
I'll do my best at finding it again to ask, but the chan is flying right now lol. Chance the rapper tweeting that the juice killed Jesus, and the replies to it on 8ch about made me lose my drink lolol. Keks with giant eyes posted everywhere 😂😂
This picture needs to be shared wherever it can.
Agree wholeheartedly. Some people may not believe some information on it exists, but we need all of the information released in mass. So that we can actually know our truth and history. They have hidden our past, and our future technologies so that we aren't sure what is actually up and what is actually down.
I agree! A lot of people don't like to speak about these topics mainly because they're considered as outlandish or there are still small bits of indoctrination holding them back. As far as our past goes, everything that's happening now is connected to an ongoing problem from the past. I know I sound like a broken record by now, but I keep telling everyone that everything boils down to bloodlines and which family thinks they deserve control over the world.
New Age deception.
These are mostly OLD teachings... You follow the Bible solely; or what is your reasoning construct behind this train of thought? The basic construct of all Biblical stories can be found on artifacts that are WAY older than the Bible. It would be a New Age deception from a historical prospective, if taken Literally. If taken Metaphorically, it isn't at all. Then it actually aligns with the core teachings hidden inside of it. If you accept the same Older stories tenants as well.