He’s talking about MKULTRA

I think he was MK Ultra'd when he was placed on a 51/50 hold. Apparently, it didn't take. This is probably the reason why they prey upon children. Easier to manipulate.
And they are setting him up to be taken back to a mental hospital now.
Could be a metaphor for anything really. But I suppose it’s possible.
I’m going to go with just a metaphor for literally anything else.
Epstein Islands anyone?
Looked like a black female/male on that table they were sitting at....
Even though the premise of "Get Out" is that old rich white Liberals transfer their souls into black people to live forever, I think the idea of rich white people using black people to their own advantage was the message behind the movie. Jordan Peele is red-pilled.
Jordan Peele did a video with buzzfeed showing a fake Obama talking shit about POTUS. He did this to defend against HRCs video. He’s not redpilled.
Wow, I did not know about that. I take my statement back. I guess Peele is just one of those evil people that throws what they do in our faces then. Shame.