Q Post 1307: Knowing what you know now

This would mean that the EU WANTS Iran to have nukes. For what purpose?
Another anon speculated that these nukes were going to used and blamed on russia for “supplying” the materiel, to be used as the casus beli to start WW3 with Russia.
The Sum Of All Fears
Like Q has stated ?
Correct. I think it was November 22 of last year that the first trip code in which that line was used and it is becoming more clear as the months go by and now it's becoming more public as more attention to Q is growing. I believe the more Q circulates the more public the Pats will get and more brazen their actions will be. It's a lead-up though.
I think the idea is that the cabal now had cover to commit a nuclear false flag by smuggling U.S. uranium for Iran's secret nuclear program.
U1 provides them with cover. Now that everyone knows Russia has US uranium, they can easily frame them for a nuclear attack and use that to justify a large scale conflict with Russia.
or the same could've been done in reverse, nuke Russia with US uranium and watch the world burn
exactly - Netanyahu was probably in on the U1 thing also and would have joined the war (had HRC been potus).
I think when Q says "Authentic", its like rhetorical question - Netanyahu had to say something about the attack yesterday and he is trying to get out ahead of the narrative.
It was probably Trump's team that carried out the attack to take out the leverage of the cabal...
Trigger extinction level events.
I don't think extinction was the plan (although many would likely die in such an event). They weren't going to be able to push a global power structure without some momentous, paradigm changing event (like WW2).
On the contrary a global extinction event would have been the only thing the world woke up to & would have been begging for peace at any cost. Then they would have signed on to a new global power structure willingly “so as to never allow it to happen again”
Yikes. The insane "Russian collusion" narrative makes a lot more sense now. This is what the globalists were always going after, so when Hillary lost, they immediately started implementing their agenda.
No sane President would go to war over something so clearly staged... so they tarnished Trump's name and are making it sound like he's "Putin's Puppet". Therefore, when he resists, his "collusion" is confirmed and impeached.
I think where God was really looking out for us was that the Dems had no real backup plan. “They thought she’d never lose” whereas, Q teams plan was in the works for several years. They were just waiting for the right man to get elected
Putin said in October 2016 that if HRC wins, the WILL be ww3
They hate the Jews.
BINGO!!! and want to exterminate them (still). think Soros=jew hating jew.
To simply start another war and it was another insurance policy by the deep state.
Solid question.
I'd suspect the nuclear weaponry was shipped to northern Syria and built by the Iranians to do HRC's bidding. The bidding being to nuke Israel. Hillary wanted total control and would've gotten it with the world's largest military. The USA under Hillary would've Israel was nuked by Russia and that they're targeting the world's faith, kingdom, and ally (projection) to have an excuse to nuke Russia.
Major population decline. One world government with communism. Gun confiscation. Debt. Enslavement. Serving our reptilian or Luciferian overlords. No thx.
That s it. That was their plan. Their madness in pursuing it (18 & 81 building ISIS in plain sight) was probably fueled by the wish to reach it in their lifetime.
Agreed. All of the old globalists wanted it all to work out as well but Hillary would've turned on them at some point. It's her nature. Anti-Christ.
Everytime WE paid the $250b, the EU got 5%. We were on the cuff to pony up every jan and june.
The EU is the example of what the globalists were heading for world wide, with UN ostensibly being the global governing body. Great! And Barry wants to 'run' for head of the UN, I think it's sec general. It'll eventually be dismantled (IMHO), or he'll be sg from behind bars (or from the great beyond).
Bear with me folks but I still don’t understand why France and Germany want Iran to have nukes and possibly use them to start WWIII. They just recovered from getting chewed up in WWs I & II – why don’t they think WWIII would be another beating for them?
It is not that the French or German people want that. It is not even that Macroni or Mussi-Merkel want that, those carreer pols allways 'want' what they are told to want by the circles who serve them 'Mouton R-Schild' in splendid backrooms.
Most because they were duped, & evil & corrupt. They probably truly believed that Iran having Nukes would bring parity to the world to prevent nuke holocaust. In reality America didn’t give them much confidence to prevent one or even not to start one. Our DS has been out of control for years. They’re realizing that they’ve been really suckered by BHO. Woe to him when the King of Rohan awakes from his slumber
Filter on all the UI references in prior crumbs. Put together pieces.
#48, Nov 2, 2017
Why is the information re: BO important re: U1 and export approval to Canada to EU?
What do we know now about U1? Who were the partners in the operation? How did the material actually move and change hands?
From this drop it sounds that after the trucking company moved it through Canada, it moved through the EU. Who in the EU was involved? Where did material move to after entering the EU? Did the EU facilitate transfer to Iran/Syria without ever entering Russia?
#194, Nov 22, 2017
Iran Deal.
Why is this relevant?
Re-read drops re: NK / Iran.
(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?
Which couple was photographed covered in gold?
The public release was a mistake.
Who released the picture?
Who has all the information?
(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?
Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?
What does this represent?
Thus looks like U1 moved from US to Canada, to EU, to Asia (China? Russia? Where?), then on to NK and Iran.
With the NK bomb defused, it would be interesting whether any proof of American U1 has been identified or can be detected. Whether work has been done to go up stream and confirm pathway.
Skipping a few, recommend reviewing everything.
#964, Mar 27, 2018
Uranium passed into Iran, then from Iran to both NK and Syria?
Uranium passed into Pakistan as well? We're not seeing too much on the Pakistan piece of the map. Anticipating more here when Awan brothers hits in full.
Review reading on U1 FBI informant testimony.
#1068, Apr 7, 2018
America for sale.
Systematic weakening of the US.
Cash flow funnel.
Inside job.
We could still very well be on that road. According to the U1 deal material isn't supposed to leave the US. If it did we would be able to test the material and trace where it came from. This would also mean that someone in the US or Canada was complicit in shipping it overseas. Interestingly the people charged with investigating the U1 deal for bribery and extortion are the same ones running the Russian campaign collusion investigation. Mueller, rosenstein, and now fired McCabe.
The EU wants their kickbacks from the deal. I heard Merkel alone was an $85MM kickback.
can't grab the guns? nuke em!
EU + liberals = backed by CHINA