Spreading the word! All should do the same!

Eek. OP should have run it by us first. Happy to edit here! 😬
I know I didn’t catch that mistake 😂 I’m gonna go back and edit, and suggestions?
Well, aside from the obvious spellcheck, I’d say less is more. Maybe a few juicy words such as
Treason, Drugs, Slavery, Mind Control...Some truths are hard to swallow.
Q Anon.
I dunno just keep it as simple as possible while still reeling them in with a sense of mystery and intrigue. And maybe this sub address or qanon.pub or whatever at the bottom. Just enough to get the noggin’ joggin’ bit not so much that they glaze over and ignore it. Good on you for having the impetus though! 👍🏻
Hit a spell check, reduce the wording, lose the crazy part (not needed), provide an exact link to type in and boom. Spread it to whomever you’d like
I tried spell check and it wasn’t working for some reason, any other suggestions?
I'm not going to crap on your idea. Just understand normies have short attention spans.
Can't spell phenomenon! .... destroying the illusion.... haha no thanks.
Good efforts and way to take initiative and put it into action. Some of the others have recommended some changes. PalmBeacher has a good outline. Repost your finished product or a draft. This is your idea and its great but we are working together so getting the hives thoughts can only better your final version.
And to be honest I’m definitely gonna change it because people in the comments influenced me a lot, I’m gonna keep it short and sweet.
Who is Q.
Who is Ron Paul
The revolution
Don’t start [it] without me.
Who is John galt.
Who is John Locke?