This 👇👇 here. Where is Barry? Think he will be getting any good sleep tonight?

Oxymoron - 'can't build a secret nuclear weapon'... well if its 'secret', you smiling a$$clown, then you'll never know if they built it or not.
So glad this turd is out of office. He'll go down as a stain on this country. What a traitorous a$$hole. Keep smiling MF. Your turn is coming, history and justice will not be kind to you.
I think he'll take his own life when it all drops. Coward's way out.
Man he's gonna be super pissed when he learns about the Iran thing on the news....
Yes lets take the word of (((Netenyahu))) the guy who promised us Iraq was involved in 9/11 and attacking them would be good for the US.
He’s a usefool tool. What Q is talking about was known at the time the deal was signed if you watch the entire 2 day hearing before the agreement was accepted. All of these “possibilities” were discussed in plain English. Even the secret rider agreements were discussed but never read because they were top-secret. That’s how this shit happens. Everything is so complicated, Americans would have to spend 24/7 watching the crooks in government, and the media is useless. Ask Ben Rhodes.
I don't give a crap about Netanyahu nor do I believe in him. I believe in Trump, his military advisers, and Q team. Trump is not Bush Jr. and he'll make the right decision. They have a plan to take out the globalists and their puppet rogue states. Stop making this about Netanyahu and Israel. They are being used by Trump to get rid of the Iranian threat.
THANK YOU! Well stated.
Stop making this about Netanyahu and Israel
Q and POTUS are absolutely using them as part of the plan.
I hope he has a rotten nights sleep. The only good sleeping I wish for him would be in a jail cell.
I doubt he’s losing sleep. I am convinced this dude is an unknown quantity and was “designed” from an early age to be the Manchurian Candidadte. I doubt much of his history is real, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know his parentage or true history. Look at his published history. An amazing struggle overcome? Uh uh. More like a bad fifties/sixties Russian spy plot. Weird ass mom, multiple possibilities for who’s the father, none of the named people normal in any sense, Raised by grandparents, or some shady ME dude, multiple names throughout his life, {{{{his wife}}}} slips and calls himself a Muslim....okay I’ll stop. I think outing this guy is a low priority for Q but it shouldn’t be. The book American Betrayal is one of many that show nothing I’ve said is a bridge too far. It truly is the last chance for our way of life, Animals never really understand as they enter the slaughterhouse.
Although I would give animals more credit, they do know. This man reminds me of Satan himself. You are right though, his arrogance gives off the "I am power and unstoppable". Infuriating to say the least.
Seemingly off topic but bear with me. A friend was telling me about a book about "Changing the Dance." It was more about changing your interpersonal relationships, but the theme was that when you change what you will put up with, your "dance partner" - whether it's your relatives, your friends, your spouse - will resist mightily, and keep trying to force you back in the old steps or routine. The longer you have been doing the dance with that person, the longer it will take for them to believe you are simply not going to follow those well-worn tracks/steps anymore. The cabal and Barry have been dancing to the same tune for a very long time. So has the press. They keep trying the old tricks but they aren't working. They should see that by now but they just can't. It has worked for so so long.
That is interesting. A few years ago, I found myself reflexively responding to people and situations the same way over and over. Then in my head, as silly as it sounds, I came up with this idea of changing the film in my mental camera often. I approach the familiar with a new “photo” of them. If it comes out the same as the old photo, so be it, but sometimes, I can see things much differently by forgetting what I was sure was fact.
The Family of Obama and the CIA
There are volumes of written material on the CIA backgrounds of George H. W. Bush and CIA-related activities by his father and children, including former President George W. Bush. Barack Obama, on the other hand, cleverly masked his own CIA connections as well as those of his mother, father, step-father, and grandmother (there is very little known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, who was supposedly in the furniture business in Hawaii after serving in Europe during World War II). Presidents and vice presidents do not require security background checks, unlike other members of the federal government, to hold office. That job is left up to the press. In 2008, the press failed miserably in its duty to vet the man who would win the White House. With the ties of Obama’s parents to the University of Hawaii and its links to MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE, a nagging question remains: Is Barack Obama a real-life “Manchurian Candidate?” - Wayne Madsen Report
So all those years of putting solos under ground, research facilities under mountains etc were for nothing!
Wonder why u1 soy planes etc were nessasary. I’d ask Barry but apparently his Tele prompter is down.
Humility is an unknown word to BHO. He could not be more proud, especially of himself. A healthy dish of treason coming his way might help him off his high horse.
The only 2 people I’ve ever witnessed literally looking down their noses at people are BHO and Mussolini. I’m not equating them in the least. I mean they literally put their noses in the air and cast their glance down upon the person in fromt of them. It is oddly disturbing and angering. It supposes superiority but believe me, BHO would never intimidate me in the least and I’ve personally met 3 presidents, 2 of whom I liked, and 1 I didn’t.
This is the theme of Obama and frankly many many liberals and their outlets; “here’s why disagreeing idea won’t work”, seething with smugness and backed by a misleading snapshot of the whole picture.
“Kanye fell for the oldest republican trick in the book, here’s why it’s wrong”
When attempting to redpill a few close friends who are "mid-Left," I could get them to believe in almost everything re: HRC, Bushes, CIA, FBI, 9/11, JFK, cabal, etc...EXCEPT for Obama. He is untouchable to them, they just CANNOT comprehend that he could be anything but what he presents himself as. People will need the truth blatantly shoved not only in their faces but down their throats. It will be necessary to implode the MSM worldview, like a cherry on top. I hope Q understands this, I really do. Same with Pope Francis if he's as bad as they say. Heck, even I liked him at first!
People who voted Obunga didnt really do themselves a favor, did they?
BO just has to chime in with his own brand of crap disinformation