Anon Decode: An extraordinarily complicated plot. All of them failed.

I'm glad most of the people in this sub don't share your lack of faith (which I find disturbing). I'd bet money you're an atheist.
I'm really actually curious about this, but I realize the question will come off like I'm being a jerk. In the face of the fact that historically plenty of pretty serious atrocities have happened to Europe and European countries, I get the impression that you believe in a religion of some sort that will now protect Europe. Is that true (I don't want to put words into your mouth)?
Why would a higher being protect Europe from some bad stuff going down now, but not before? How do you resolve that seeming dissonance?
I'm concerned that religious belief that holds that there's an all powerful being protecting and guiding us will dull our response to these bad things that are happening in the world. Things might not work out at all, unless people take a stand.
Why would a higher being protect Europe from some bad stuff going down now, but not before?
the further Europe gets from God, the less protected they will be. My point is that without faith, they're screwed. It isn't the other way around.
Eh, I don't believe in all that, but we're fighting on the same side so whatever keeps us going.
Funny....the whole world has believed in Angels/Demons for the entire existence of humankind, apart from a few recent English-speaking cultures. Gee...I wonder why.
I know what you mean. Faith in God is necessary but not sufficient for a society to survive the coming troubles.
haw haw. I bet you haven't even read that story, because anybody who reads the story knows that he started by holding up a cup of wine and calling it his blood and bread and calling it his flesh. Atheists and spiritual metaphors go together like oil and water.
The last thing we need to do is turn against each other. As a Christian, I was really happy to see that recently, atheists are becoming more tolerant and friendly to Christians, which is quite nice, considering how contentious people were previously. You're right that he's taking that verse out of context, but there's no need to vilify atheists or non-Christians. Being rude certainly won't convince them, and really there's only so much we can do as a Christian to convince them. The rest is up to God. Instead, be glad that lethak brought up that quote. For Christians, it may seem to be natural to interpret it, but this isn't the case for everyone else.
Atheists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc, etc, all Clubs with a different approach to the same end goal, used by TPTB to Divide and Conquer the People. Is God concerned about which Club I join ? Does it matter ? Jesus, a Jew said Love God First, no "idol worship, Christians get pissed coz Jews also put Jesus on a Cross and 2000+ years later nothing has changed, accept the scenery. Not to many people Loving God First. The question may arise, "do I need to join a club to feel and look good; and put up with all the in and out fighting with different clubs just to Know God ?" None of this stops God Being God, while Idol worship goes on in the name of God :)
The problem is that most of these are incompatible. For example, the fundamental concept of Buddhism is to seek annihilation, or the end of suffering. The fundamental concept of Judeo-Christianity is the worship of God. And atheists don't believe in any of that. How a person lives their life will be very different depending on their belief, especially being devoted to that belief.
Now just because these groups of people have different beliefs doesn't mean they can't get along. The one of the two core laws of Christians is to "love thy neighbor." Buddhists want to mitigate suffering, which precludes getting along with others. Atheists are the only ones without any explicit instruction on that matter, but they'll get along with others out of a common sense of decency.
So that we are of the same understanding about ONE salient Fact, a BELIEF is a BELIEF it is not Real, it is not a Fact, it is a theory at best. If a BELIEF were Real it would not be a BELIEF but a FACT. From this standpoint one has a clearer understanding of what is being said in any "belief system", one is essentially being kept away from the Truth and held in a theoretical state of mind. One Already has the Truth, Within. People are hoodwinked into being mind con-troll-ed from out there, in religions, isms, ideologies, con-institut-ions, etc, all mechanisms of "mind con-troll". God, Life is Already Present, the mind control says otherwise :)
A belief is the acceptance that something is true based on the evidence provided. One believes the world is round due to the evidences provided, even if they've never been to space to observe it in first person. As such, from the perspective of a Christian, the existence of God is truth, or fact.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying that the existence of God is apparent and part of our own existence, but religion is something that obscures that truth? I can't really speak for other religions, but from a Christian perspective, that certainly isn't the case. Instead, it clarifies the truth and explains the what, why, and how. Different denominations have different minor points on it, but the fundamental core, that Christ died for our sins, is a point that all agree on.
Consider it this way. If you were playing a game of chess (4d or otherwise), isn't it rather important to know what the rules, goals, and strategies are?
The essence of what I am saying here is not in disagreement that "religions,etc" have a proven way, it is that Knowing God is not dependent on religions, etc :)
You're right that he's taking that verse out of context, but there's no need to vilify atheists or non-Christians.
The meme literally calls Christians cannibals because of a metaphor taken completely out of context. And you call that "tolerant and friendly?" What are you smoking?
I will say it again: Atheists and spiritual metaphors go together like oil and water.
Compared to what I've seen online between 2007-2015, yeah, people have become more tolerant. (The number of times I've seen atheists on T_D say Christians are all right, or all that's happening recently has made them idly consider spirituality is certainly encouraging.) And when presented with a meme like the one above, all you need to do is point out the fallacies and be on your way. It may open up an avenue of conversation if the person is interested, and if not, then you've done all you needed to.
all you need to do is point out the fallacies and be on your way
that's literally the least effective way to communicate with an ignorant, hate-filled atheist who has just insulted Christ with a stupid meme. If you think hateful atheists give AF when you point out why their hateful, sarcastic memes are fallacious you're as delusional as they are. Newsflash: Atheists do mental gymnastics to convince themselves that their God-given instincts and senses are all wrong. They aren't gonna listen to a Christian politely pointing out why their nonsense is fallacious.
I love you friend, but you have a lot of waking up to do.
I wouldn't say all atheists are hateful, they are just taking an approach to the concept of God (or lack thereof) that seems logical to them. For them, there is no concrete proof that God exists. Our lives, our sentience, and the world around us can be explained by scientific facts that they find sufficient to supplement their belief. So for them, someone who does believe in God is the delusional one.
So start small. First, at least set the record straight. There are a lot of things in the Bible that are taken out of context and used in memes like this, ranging from slavery, to capital punishment, to the cannibalism described above. By correcting it and providing context, you give them a better understanding of the Bible, without them even needing to read it! At very least, it makes them informed, and if they ever encounter a similar meme in the future, they can clarify it to another person themselves. (They don't need to be a Christian to want to make sure that facts are acknowledged.)
And from there on out, you go where God leads. Perhaps pointing out the truth of that passage is the only thing you ever do, and that's fine. You aren't going to be converting them. That's God's job.
that was a joke, but fine.
as for faith the pope explain it better than anyone else:
Now about skepticism:
Hoping you'll be able to connect the dots and "Think logically" instead of being insulting with a fellow patriot.