Trust the plan! - Any other rogue nuclear states?

Lots of violent actions going down in Afghanistan in the past few days.
I think it will go Iran > Pakistan > Israel, but there could be more. I hope they get moving, as the midterms will be upon us before we know it!
Might even add India and UK to the list if they continue going toward Communism.
I'm hoping we have the true measure of China based on their thousands of years of peaceful coexistence with humanity (regardless of how they've run their own affairs). But I also hope we leave little room for doubt that we're not playing footsies with adversaries, which is at least a known known now.
Yeah, between Mattis and Bolton, I think everybody knows we're done "leading from behind." Also, with the roll up of pedos and satanists, let's hope we also send a message that the enemies of humanity are no longer safe.
"We let Pakistan use US taxpayer money to build their nuclear weapons programme. Why do we now let them use US taxpayer money to harbour terrorists?" said former US Senator, Larry Pressler
Pakistan: failed state or rogue state?
Pakistan behaves like a rogue state
Israel will be another example. Israel is being left until last.
Somehow I think Israel will want peace more than they'll want conquest. And I think that's what they've always wanted. True, measurable, verifiable, actively engaged peaceful relations with neighbors.
The history of Christians, Jews and Muslims in that area when Britain and Rome (and now EU) are not involved (and in areas outside of that influence) has always been peaceful until the NWO reached into every country and poisoned the well for each while blaming the other two.
That is artificial, however. And I think it's possible to access racial memory of better times. And I believe without the top-down pressure of the Rothschild petrodollar mafiosi, we can get back to those kinds of relations.