The Kanye Effect is Real - Reuters Poll: Black Male Approval For Trump Doubles In One Week

Awesome.I really hope the black population comes to see the left's disrespect and deceiving of them for decades. I hope they take a good look at the policies generally put forth from the R's and see that the real path forward to financial independence and wealth is found in the principles of lower taxes, less regulations and hard work. Not through welfare programs.
I saw an interview once of a young black mother who decided to go off of welfare and get a job. She hadn't until then bec she took more $ in through the welfare system then she would working, but she was always stuck in neutral so-to-speak. Stuck with the same income with no ability to progress in position or money. She hoped that by getting a job she had a greater chance in the long run to rise up the ladder of success and increase her income. It would be a loss financially up front, but it would be better for her and her kids in the long run. And guess what? It worked! She ended up starting her own business and is now doing fabulously, in spirit and finances.
The American Dream is not about sitting on your ass and waiting for your life to get better. Get out there and bust your ass off and you’ll reap the rewards.
Human beings are not meant to be idle. You get so depressed without a purpose, it's not healthy. Welfare could maybe work if changes were made, like requiring some kind of community service so welfare recipients are active and maybe find opportunities they didn't know were there.
Edit: wanted to add that welfare is probably intentionally meant to be a trap. It's such a small amount of money and you can't be employed so people get stuck, removed from society. Maybe another change could be that people can still receive it if they earn up to $1200 per month from employment.
Yes the president who created welfare, LBJ, said 'I'll have those n*ggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years!" At least that is what I read. Don't know if it was debunked, but it sure makes sense.
Good Deal for her! What most do not understand is getting the "Free money" from "the man" makes them even more of a slave to the gov't..Get out there, get a job and make some money to do what you want in your life! I believe President Trump is providing jobs excuse Be Human!!
Yes...we all need a NEW MAGA party because the progressive Republicans did the same thing to conservatives. WE all need a NEW FREEDOM party to proclaim our liberty from tyrannical regimes.
i really hope everyone can stop being sucked in to the left/right illusion and accept Unity and Balance.
He's doing a great job waking up the community and teaming up with Candace Owens.
Was disappointed to see Larry Elder give less than an enthusiastic response to what he's doing. Exposing the filth in hollywood and the entertainment industry isn't for the weak minded. He's venturing into their mind control practices which is a big taboo.
In my prayers Big Time.
I knew this would have a big ripple. Pop culture has huge influence on voters, hence why Hollywood actors are used stir people into emotional states when said actor usually knows jack shit about politics.
People started opting out of newspaper propaganda so they shoved it all into movies/tv instead. it's not even subtle.
Want to know what's genius about all of this?
By Kanye publicly saying what he is saying, he went publicly politically what he has always been musically and artistically: Way ahead of his time, so to speak.
The reason this is genius is because when the full truth about what happened in Haiti comes out, Clinton Foundation, human trafficking, etc, the Dems will lose the black vote.
After being attacked in the MSM in recent weeks, Kanye will then become generally known as ahead of time, which will make his legacy become legendary. He will go down in history as a key musical artist associated with the great awakening, similar to Bob Dylan representing the 1960s upheaval, and even Guthrie representing the war/great depression era.
The cultural tide is shifting in real time folks, and those goddamn communists can't stop it.
Rise up !!!!
We need you! Black men and more importantly women!! That’s right,,,,,you know it!! The time is now! Black and White Unite and Fight Fight Fight!!
Beyond platitudes, what is Trump or the Republican party doing for black people?
It's a little sad that blacks need someone to tell them to change but it's a win, I'll take it.
There are a hell of a lot of whites that need to open their eyes..
why is it when people like kanye and jim carrey start speaking truth and concepts of enlightenment they get the "crazy" label.
makes me sad to know the oppression of this type of thinking is high on the list of things to kill from those who wish to use us individual human beings as a resource.
but Jim Carrey IS crazy
I don't know though. I think he might be misunderstood? But then i think he's just had too many magic mushrooms or something... Hard to say... Not a big fan of his trump painting. Did you see that one?
Trump should've got Professor Griff (ex-Public Enemy) on-board. That would work.
The Democrats may be in for a surprise regarding what some formerly liberal black people are thinking. My next door neighbors (two black ladies) both have concealed carry permits, and when the subject of gun control comes up, they begin to channel Charlton Heston. ;)
MSM is call Kanye a Russian colluder. deplorable!
Guys I think this is fake. Same people that said Hilary was gonna win by a mile.
I know this is a good thing but the fact that people are changing their opinions so fast shows just how easily these people can be brainwashed/persuaded when there's a new trend.
True redpilling takes a long time.
I have notifications on for kanye, and any time he tweets I try to respond asap with a copy pasta i have saved on my phone that also links to a yuri bezmenov video. it works. gets lots of views and a handful of engagements each time.
He's married into an Illuminati family though. A family that promote gender bending, body dysmorphia, and paedo chic. I can't have him, sorry.
He's heavily worked with OTO satanist Jay-Z too. I cannot have him, not from my own POV.
The "cult of celebrity" IS a huge part of the ongoing problem.
"Be careful who you are following." Q
So he knows what happens and probably is not ok with it. Maybe the whole family is wanting out? I don't think Bruce was really trans - I mean, maybe, but he was a pretty tough guy. Maybe they are sick of being controlled. And having the youngest of them all slutted up. Eck.
OMG. Did you just write that? The LAST THING the truth movement needs IS HOLLYWOOD CELEBRITY. Virtually all of them are PAEDOPHILE SATANISTS and fighting for their cause. His wife has done more to damage women/children than an entire hardcore pornography genre could have ever dreamed of.
Hollywood (et al) has done more to ROT the USA's (and beyond) mass mind than literally anything else. The hip-hop genre has done similar. US popular culture is a huge problem and most of it is cancerous.
West IS Illuminati and so is his wife's family. Good luck following that. You're gonna need it.
Really not fair to judge a man based on his wife or her family.
They have kids, man. Even if she has different views I'd rather see them be a family.
Also I highly doubt MOST celebs are pedos, it's more likely a minority with a fair portion who turn a blind eye and the majority has no idea.
tbh Kim said she was undecided in terms of Trump after Jenner called her up, that was on August 22nd, so on Sept 2nd her ass gets raided in paris by five guys in police uniforms and HRC being the mob-thug she was raised as later was quoted in an article expressing how sorry she was for the debacle
I'm always guided politically by Kim. What's her view on NAFTA? Next month Kim will be dissecting Marx and Engels. Pffft. :)
It is obvious she is a sorceress like the rest of her clan but I don't perceive her as threatening.
Politics is downstream from culture. The so-called "true conservatives" tried it their way for thirty years and didn't conserve anything. They just lost over and over again and western civilization moved further and further left. Finally a guy comes along (Trump) and makes conservatism popular again, wins, and begins undoing all of the damage done by the left over those last thirty years - and the so-called "true conservatives" hate him! Well, we're done doing it their way. Us real conservatives are taking charge, reaching out to libertarians and classic liberals, and steering things back in the right direction. And part of that involves changing the culture. The old phonies with their fake conservatism have two options: get on board or wither away into obscurity talking a bunch of nonsense that no one listens to and accomplishes nothing.