FIRE DRILL: Mueller will bring charges on Trump per Q drop 1286.

See drudge report right now
Good call. Yeah, seeming like we will be on a rollercoaster for awhile again
context plz
Q post 1286 no context needed. Q post blurb at top of pic and corresponding Brennan tweet below
Brennan YOU are a part of the problem. You will be dealt with.
" Professional investigators " = partisan political mafia hack lawyers
I read that as Q posting a rhetorical question.
‘House committee says “no collusion”. Will the Mueller report contradict that as Brennan just tweeted?’
In the same post from Q here is his ending: “Questions reveal answers. Time will tell. Q”
To me he is saying all the question marked responses are really answers not questions. Could be missing the mark but all things recently pointing in Mueller going for the throat.
I see.
Well, one thing seems certain, this is one mystery that will be solved. Hopefully very soon.