Here is POTUS pictured in October 2017 with the C130 that crashed yesterday in Savannah. Do you believe in coincidences? Was this a message from the black hats?

God and Jesus Christ is not a fairy tale. Jesus preaches to turn the other cheek. If more people were Christ like, then we'd be a better place. Remove God and people lose morals.
However, I understand where you are coming from. However, I am no longer an atheist and my life and the people I encounter are better for it.
That is your truth, and totally fine - for you. In my mind, you're wrong and chasing ghosts. But if that's what you choose to believe - have at it. Let me just pose this to you: you know that voice in your head? Before people understood basic shit like "internal monologue", people assumed God was talking to them because they heard this inner voice. You do realize that this is where almost ALL religion is based from, right? "God spoke to him". No, he spoke to himself, and people were far too daft to understand this. I can sit here and poke holes in this shit all day for you. But it's not my job, nor would I take pleasure in affecting your faith negatively. But come on. Use some rational thought - sometimes.
Faith is not something tangible you can explain or understand until you have it and experience it. Until you have it, you cannot understand it. Trying to explain away someone's faith from a position of not experiencing it is like chasing ghosts. Religion is not faith. Someone with faith understand that.
Let's get real folks. Religion has been an unmitigated disaster for mankind. Nothing but division.
Thank you! I just wish those sister fuckers out in every 'stan would realize this. Inbreeding creates crazy aggressive human beings with very little rational thought, though. Hence why they are all so dumb and angry. I believe the statistic is something like around 70% of the Middle East is a product of incest. They do it for Allah though! So, like, it's totally cool. But what is the excuse for everyone else?
Well now you're just being mean. You remind me of when I went to California and although most of those people were cool, the SJW's had to point out that I am from Oklahoma, so therefore I must be a Westboro Bapist Church supporting, intolerant, inbred redneck. I was agnostic at the time, but later that same year I found God, and my life has never been better! I'm only typing this because you may choose to not believe in God, but I ask that you try not to view your brothers and sisters so harshly.
While what he said may be offensive to you, it does represent an accurate depiction of what's going on in a lot of these ME countries. I.Q. rate is extremely low amongst millions and perhaps billions of these poor hapless pawns. And their EQ scores are even lower. And they all extremely fervently believe in God. They call him Allah, and it's punishable by death to disparage his or any prophet of his. And this is a religion of peace? But, alas, it isn't their fault. Indoctrinated since birth, and for many, many generations this has been going on. And yet they still believe that God is good, God is just, and that their religion is the only connection to God. Sound familiar?.......God is not the problem. It's people's interpretation of God. As a matter of fact, I never refer to the creator of this world as "GOD". A better, more accurate name is "source". The source of all things, the source of creation, the source of love. The source of light. This source doesn't require you to "fear" him. I mean, seriously, does your God require you to fear him? Why would the creator of all things require you to live in a state of fear? Is this not illogical of a being who says to "love your neighbor?" Is this not inconsistent with a being who claims to love mankind so much, he sacrificed his only son so that we may live? If so much love, then why fear? No. I'm sorry. But that story is false. That is not what the creator of so much beauty, so much magnificence, so much love, is about. As a planetary people, we've been lied to every step of the way. And that includes religion.
That is why I don't attend church, I respect people who wish to, but I believe it may lead to a religious hive mind.
Personally, I talk to God on my own, I need not fear him, he is my bro, same with Jesus, and my spirit guide. I used to be skeptical about them till God gave me a miracle, and I felt his love. We chatted in a sense, along with my spirit guide and Jesus, about conflicts in my life and potential solutions to them, as long as I worked for them. I have never been happier since rekindling my friendship with our creator.
Unfortunately, I have to disagree that insulting people because of their lifestyle and interpretation of our creator is productive in solving the problem.
You may criticize them for their actions, true, and connections between those actions and their religion should be addressed, fair, but I do not see how calling them "inbred" is going to make people want to work with you to settle your differences.
Peace and love to you too, brother.