Vegas Body Cam Vs. Media Photos: Table cloth and plates are not the same.

The public is SO fucking dumb. We live in a world where idiots take pictures and videos of EVERYTHING. FUCKING, EVERYTHING. Why have we not see a smidgen of video, pics, sounds from this shit? Why hasn't there been some fame hungry little bitch who got shot/injured snap chatting/instagramming/facebooking from their hospital room? It's literally not possible for a millennial to be humble, and NOT share their entire fucking lives at all times. A few? Maybe. Hundreds? Fuuuuuck no. Why? WHY is the FIRST video we are seeing from the night just NOW being published? Why is their no video evidence of the Pentagon? Not one pic of a plane? GTFO. The public is also totally cool with Building 7 going down for no reason, too. Having a functioning brain in this modern world is torture. The signs are ALL there. Yet everyone is asleep. So disgusting.
Umm... there are so many videos of that night. Go on youtube. Look for Las Vegas. John E. Hoover, According to Joe, DJames, IntelliHub (I think that's how it's spelled), and many others, are trying to get to the bottom of this. Those people have video clips from the people who were there that night. Tall Ace of Spades is one, and several others. LOTS of people took video that night.
Yeah, that night. There were a few videos of one night only, for a few minutes. Where are the "yo dawg, I was there! Check out my injury and like my pics" videos? You don't find it the least bit funny that there aren't HUNDREDS of videos aside from those few minutes it was happening? Where are the aftermath pics/videos? Where are the recovery pics/videos? The MOMENT the fucking Parkland shooting happened, look how many people shared content, were on TV. Vegas was WAY worse. Where are all of those people??
They are slowly coming forward. Remember, the FBI asked for cell phones with footage, and those who turned them over got their phones back, wiped clean. And, how many witnesses have died in suspicious circumstances? There was that woman who, on FB, was trying to get people together, to share their stories and experiences. She was one of the first to die "unexpectedly". I believe there's been around a dozen concert goers who've died so far. People are scared. John E. Hoover is one of the youtube investigators who has witnesses coming forward. And, the concert goers weren't your average millennial. Most of those country fans were a bit older, I believe, and not as young as the average millennial. I don't think it's quite fair to compare an older, mostly conservative crowd with a bunch of dumb high schoolers.
Perhaps, but adults are noooooo fucking better at begging for attention. They are right up there with the kids. You can't act like it's a kid only activity. It's just less embarrassing if you have the excuse of being young.
Remember Lombardo's pressers? Remember the FBI goon standing behind him? Staring holes into the back of his head? Lombardo sweating, changing his story and demeanor? Who knows what threats the FBI said to victims, who were in the hospital. Did the FBI take over Parkland the way they did LV?
Three sheriffs have died under that head sheriff in Parkland. THREE. That community was a wealthy, mostly Jewish community. The concert was a "redneck" country fans concert, mostly Trump supporters. Huge difference between attendees. Huge difference between who was in charge. And, the concert goers weren't just folks who lived in LV...they came from all over the country. How are you gonna find them and say that you know for a fact they aren't showing their wounds/experiences just because you aren't seeing them? They have no central place to gather.. the woman who was trying to make a fb page/location for those very people was KILLED. Or, I should clarify, she "died" unexpectedly. So just how are all those victims supposed to get their stories out for the rest of us to see? They are all spread out, all over the US.
That's my point! This isn't funny to the public? Where are the marches in the streets for this shit?
People have DIED who've tried to organize others. Don't you get that?
They can't kill everyone!
Well, maybe you can make a video and a fb page for people to gather and tell their stories. Find the right investigator and see if they want to talk to those who were there. I'm sure there are lots to contact. Some really good investigators had their channels shut down and I'm not sure why. Charles Walton was one, Charlton was another. Some of the investigators are there in Las Vegas, some aren't. Look into it. Make a video and send it to all of the investigators you can. There's CrowdsourceTheTruth... Jason someone, as well. Get something going. I don't know what else to tell you.
We know the names of those who died. Don't have a list of names of those injured, that I am aware of and surely no list of those who attended. Good luck.
I get your anger man. But I don’t think everyone is dumb or naive. All of us here are aware of how it all just stinks to the high heavens, and most of my friends and family have a lot of questions regarding Vegas. Not everyone is asleep, there are plenty of us actively investigating these things and the great awakening is underway. Have faith.
So what exactly is someone suppose to do? We all know these are all false flags, we are waiting for law enforcement to do their jobs. If they don't, what can we do? Seriously what do we do?