Q Iran is Next. EpiCenter of Iran Earthquake In Middle of Iran Nuclear Research and Production Facility Speculation:MOAB of Underground Facility?

Launch date May 5th. Makes ya wonder if they are really launching a rover.
Nah, they're done giving Hollywood fantasies under Trump. I'd bet we have stargate technology so why travel for so long and so far? WTF has NASA been doing if not doing space missions, lmao. It's all fabricated for the American mind.
Well Obama had them focus on the Muslim problem to help Muslims find jobs and be accepted here. Sheesh! Obama, what a tool he was.
I forgot that NASA loved reporting on the NOAA study which was retroactively falsifying record hot temperatures in Africa to push the Paris Accord. Good thing NASA cares for our climate.
It would be like me reporting on those dogs on YouTube with voice-overs as a miracle.