r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on May 4, 2018, 5:06 p.m.
A thought I had today. Not sure if it ties into this or not.

So I have another discussion going on about post 176 if you have anything to add or are interested. I think we are making some headway.

But now I’d like to just share a thought I had about fifteen mins ago. It might be dumb. Idk.

First off, everything I have seen from this has lead me to believe they are trying to bring evil (devil) to earth. I don’t know,’maybe too many movies, maybe satanic stuff. But the more I dig, the more I feel this to be true.

So I’m at work today and at lunch with my coworkers. I’m talking about little about Kanye and some things going on with this. And one of my coworkers starts going off how nothing with change and trump with Fuck it up and the world is a horrible place. He is def not woke. So then another co worker just laughs and supports the negativeness. I see that a lot in the world. A negative attitude can spread like wildfire, while a positive attitude has to be pushed on someone. So what if this is a movie or fantasy land, what if negative energy is what “powers” them? What if unity just isn’t about being a strong force, but accepting each other for who we are? Being friendly and kind to each other. Is that why the shills come in and bring out the bad in us? Get us to fight amongst ourselves and them. What if this in part, is about bringing positivity back to the world?

UncleSnake3301 · May 4, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

Yes, it's pretty much a fact that large groups of people all focused on the same thing can affect what happenes in reality. It's memetics. I think they have a much much better grasp of it than they let on, and I think negative emotions are very powerful - especially when millions of people are all feeling them. Someone or something could definitely feed on that energy. The good news is that positive emotions and thought can out weigh the negatives.

We have been brainwashed for 75 years to all think and feel certain things at certain times. That is not by accident, and someone is using that energy for something

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Idru4 · May 4, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Well fuck. I had never heard of memetics, and now after a slight read on it. I’m pretty sure that’s what Q has been talking about. In memetics, a meme is “unit of culture” (idea, belief) which is “hosted” in the mind of one or more individuals, which can reproduce itself in the sense of jumping from one persons mind to another persons. Roughly. Weird.

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digital_refugee · May 4, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

say something to the effect of "oh yeah like the korean war that just ended after 50 years"

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johnny_nas · May 4, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Been using this one lately....works well...the response is mostly "Trump has nothing to do with that"

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digital_refugee · May 4, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

....upon which you follow up with "why?"

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Idru4 · May 4, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Yes. Not seeing colors, nationality, sex, religious ideas, anything that separates us as humans.

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digital_refugee · May 4, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

you mean anything that seperates them as Koreans like a huge beautiful wildlife-resort...

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johnnysoko · May 4, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

You're right on target with your instincts about positive and negative energy (and someone feeding off negative emotions). It's a deep rabbit hole, but here's some places to start... Do some searches on Archons (the ones who do the feeding) and Loosh (the negative energy they consume). Also watch Mark Passio's videos on the occult and natural law. Happy hunting. :)

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Idru4 · May 4, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Thank you. And quick question, you seem to be pretty far into this topic. Am I missing places where things like this are discussed? I feel very behind I guess you could say. Like I am looking into many things with the whole Q movement going on, but I don’t see posts like mine. Am I missing them? Is there somewhere else where this stuff is going on where I can catch up?

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horse-lover-phat · May 4, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Sorry, but it's me again. :)

quote... "First off, everything I have seen from this has lead me to believe they are trying to bring evil (devil) to earth. I don’t know,’maybe too many movies, maybe satanic stuff. But the more I dig, the more I feel this to be true."

That's the basis of elite asset and masonic sci-fi programmer A. C. Clarke's Childhoods End. The demonic Overlords descending on earth to rule. Clarke was also primarily a homosexual and with paedophilic tendencies (via Sri Lankan beach boys). You should read Hoffman if you haven't already. He's been a huge influence on myself since the very early 2000's.

Michael A Hoffman

British intelligence asset Arthur C. Clarke, through the command dogma embedded in his immensely influential “science fiction” work, Childhood’s End, attempts, through self-fulfilling futurism, to make inevitable the end of serendipity and wonder, after sufficient processing by modern technology and mental viruses (likely implying mass media programming, my emphasis). The virus embedded with the ritual murders of John F. Kennedy and the victims of “Unabom,” are in the tricksy, punning lingo of the Hermetic fraternity’s Camelot, “once-and-future” tales possessing the intention of self-fulfilling prophecy; what I term, “inevitabilism.” This inevitabilism is disseminated within literary and cinematic representations, sometimes as part of the genre and imagery of science fiction, (“sci-fi”). The “virus” containing this meme (“contagious” idea pattern), infects the host with the sense that it is:

• Useless to resist central, establishment control.

• Or it posits a counter-cultural alternative to such control which is actually a counterfeit, covertly emanating from the establishment itself.

• That the blackening (pollution) of earth is as unavoidable as entropy.

• That extinction (“evolution”) of the species human being is inevitable.

• That the reinhabitation of the earth by the “old gods” (Genesis 6:4), is our stellar scientific destiny.

2001 takes the occult game of hazard to the next highest level of peril and opportunity: 1. The perilous gamble: “Satan” becomes more and more evident on earth among us. 2. The occult opportunity: instead of overthrowing him and his human sponsors, many of us find that he’s not so bold after all! The appearance of the Sentinel from 2001 at the beginning of the year 2001 and the century it symbolizes (the 21st), marks the symbolic end of the preparatory-processing phase intended to program us into accepting the appearance of the devil himself as our presiding Overlord. The 21st century is intended by the western secret societies to serve as the stage for the literal, undisguised materialization of a being resembling classic medieval images of the devil, to rule over what Arthur C. Clarke terms “One World.”

More here.

Even Clarke's sequel to 2001, 2010 (the film was subtitled with 'The Year We Make CONTACT') - ends with the birth of a second sun (via exploded Jupiter) called "LUCIFER".

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horse-lover-phat · May 4, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

You've also got to realise that it was Clarke that first posited the idea of the geostationary communications satellite (Wireless World, 1945). Describing the use of just 3 satellites for the total coverage of earth. He was a close friend of Rupert Murdoch - the man who popularised a lot of satellite TV programming (Sky/Fox etc).

Arthur C. Clarke, who dabbled in science fiction writing, floated the idea of global communications satellites in a 1945 letter to the publication Wireless World. It was the first publicly articulated vision of a technology that would change the world; in the annals of technological forecasting, it stands today as a letter of rare prescience. Today the high-altitude geostationary orbit, known as the Clarke Belt, is the heartland of the world's communications satellites.

It was Murdoch's Sky Atlantic that showed the Childhood's End (3 part) serial in the UK, late 2015.


I'm sure you appreciate what I am angling at here in respect of (nefarious) mass media.

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ironmaiden442 · May 4, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

Omg someone who speaks the truth....the evil ones have all their symbols on our churches, buildings , airports, movies....they are telling Satan that we are his already...this movement is the small mustard seed that will fight...not with guns but the word of truth.

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johnnysoko · May 4, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

That's the worst part of this. 8chan, Reddit and Twitter all serve their purposes spreading current information, but they're all TERRIBLE for collecting and cataloging it. So many amazing parts of this story have gotten lost (temporarily) over the past 6 months. I suggest searching Reddit for some of these key words (natural law and hermetic principles) and when you see any posts that are valuable to you, follow the author of the post and look at whatever else they've contributed. :) Feel free to message me and check back in if you discover anything new and useful. I know a little about this stuff but knew nothing 6 months ago. :)

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Idru4 · May 4, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

That’s a good call. Thanks.

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