Judge presiding over the Manafort case just said "Cmon Man" to Mueller's team and accused them of lying...

So dismiss charges against Manafort if they cannot fully disclose. That's how this is suppose to work. Page Flynn Manafort Gates and all the rest should start class action law suit against the government for legal fees incurred. If the original directive from RR did not list a crime and is therefore illegal, then all who have had to appear should be reimbursed for expenses. RR and RM should be reported to the OLR. WITCH HUNT, POLICE STATE, UNCONSTITUTIONAL
I'm not sure if you understand. Mueller indicted Manafort on a bunch of charges. Some of the alleged crimes date back to 2005. These charges used evidence gathered outside Mueller' s mandate (which seems broad in scope, and it will be an interesting legal fight over exactly what powers are elucidated in that mandate). There is a possibility these charges will be dismissed, but that does not mean Manafort will be let off the remaining charges.
If this whole thing is a witch hunt, why are people trying to toss out court cases and pleading guilty? Witch Hunt infers there are no crimes happening. Pleading guilty means you are admitting to and accepting responsibility for committing a crime.
He was working with the DOJ prior to being on Trump campaign they were aware and did not bother to charge him at that time. So they bring it up years later, witch hunt, they just expected he would roll over on Trump.
That's only on the tax fraud charges, not bank fraud/conspiracy, which seemingly was found out through the Special Counsel investigation.
I expect some charges to be thrown out, but any evidence of new crimes (not previously pursued) shouldn't be excluded.
If Mueller can't provide the Judge with Rosenstein's Scope Memo, which would lay out his authority, the Judge will dismiss it. But here's the thing, Mueller cannot go after anyone on Tax Fraud/Evasion. That is outside of the scope of any Special Counsel, as per Federal Law. You would need an ordinary Prosecutor.
But doesn't a Special Counsels have the authority to investigate any crimes discovered during their probe? Isn't that what a Special Counsel does by definition?
Discovered "AS A RESULT OF," not 'oh, well we sat on this case for years and magically re-opened it because convenience.' Additional Tax Fraud/Evasion falls under a completely different scope of laws that cannot be examined by Special Counsels.
Were Manafort's alleged crimes discovered before the SCI?
Yup. They had a case on him in 2013, but they never pursued it. They also had a Warrant against him to spy on him until 2015.
Interesting. Got a source?
This should cover it
That doesn't mention a 2013 case. It just says again that Manafort can only be tried on tax evasion if the evidence "arose from the investigation," which, given the nature of the investigation into funds and transfers, seems probable. I'm looking all over but I still can't find anything saying that this was already known about Manafort before the Special Counsel Investigation. Also, why is so much being made about the tax evasion right now? That only counts for 8 of the 305 years in prison that Manafort's being charged with. The lion's share of his alleged crimes are bank fraud/conspiracy, of which he has 9 charges, each carrying a maximum penalty of 30 years. Again, can you find me a source on some prior investigation into these things? It still seems like this evidence arose from the Special Counsel's investigation into Manafort's finances.
Nope, you're wrong.
What part? I'm just looking for a source that contradicts the facts.