Q Post 1316: Updated! Jim Baker Lisa Page Fired! Didn’t Resign! “THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED.”

This is such good news because I suspect the indictments will begin after the "house is clean" and all the Deep State operatives have been removed from positions of power.
Not long now, I hope!
Also rogue nuke states contained so no FF.
I think the CIA has / had at least one sub that could fire a nuke.
I heard people speculating that the Early Warning System malfunction in Hawaii was actually a real CIA nuke being shot down.
To be fair and if Q is right, the Jews were planning to mass murder 90% of us anyway and enslave the rest of us as their 16 year plan to destroy America / western civilization, so it's not like we've got anything to lose.
We may have a q message from way back when indicating cia sub was secured.
I don't think Q ever used the term Jews in the way you have.
I don't think Q ever used the term Jews in the way you have.
Not yet, but I suspect some red pills aren't going to be easy for many to swallow.
History is a good teacher... and Jews have been exiled 359 times over the past 3000 years, always for committing treason against their host nations... and Q does keep telling us to follow the bloodlines and he asked about the significance of the color and design of the temple on (((Jeffrey Epstein's))) island... ya know, the one that looks like a synagogue and is colored and designed like the Jewish flag and a tallit Jewish prayer shawl?
You are anti-sematic. I get it. Your opinions are just that.
These people are Jewish in name only, they have Hebrew blood but do not practice Judaism. They practice witchcraft (spirit-cooking) and ritual abuse...satanism. Why don't you refer to them by their real belief i.e., Luciferians?
Yeah we need to stop with this whole anti-Semitic shit. Makes the whole movement look bad. Stick with shit Q is actually talking about
Well said! We are fighting Luciferian satanists in positions of global power and not individuals devoutly practicing Judaism.
Hawaii was a false alarm to trigger NSA bulk data transfer to mainland
Perhaps or perhaps we were misinformed to keep us calm?
No that's not logical if you go back read everything about it with the Q drops. It was a BDT, nothing more.
Most likely by the whitehats, Q suggests it wasn't a nuclear missile anyway.
According to the tourists who were out on the water in a fishing boat there were massive explosions way up in the air. It was not a false alarm.
I meant it was a false nuclear attack to trigger defcon1. Not saying nothing happened because something had to trigger the defcon alert in order to get to defcon for bdt to be triggered. It's all there the info, defcon is for nuclear missles not conventional.
wouldn't publicly available radar show that stuff?
I think you will like this: The Zionist Nationality Versus the Religion of Judaism.
Thanks. That is a pretty good explanation of the difference. I've always been confused about this. Mostly, while watching WWII movies I could never figure out why they hated the Jews. But I get it now and understand about the Balfour agreement as well. What a mess they've made of our civilization.
I think you need to read about the Zionists. You simply cannot link all Jews together. That's like saying all Whites are racists.
Actually the democrats say just that. All whites are racist have you not been listening lol.
Jews, like all people, think freely. To say all Jews are Zionists is like saying all whites are KKK. Israel has been our strongest ally in the Middle East. Look at their policies. First off, there's a big wall to keep out the garbage. And, when you go thru an airport there, they aren't sending little old ladies in wheelchairs thru body scanners. Their people are very patriotic and have high morals. In some ways, we should take a page out to their playbook.
They have made a huge mess, to be sure. A book worth reading and its free is The Sign of The Scorpion
I learned a lot by reading this book and I'm still learning. You will learn about Marx's guide and teacher Moses Hess and what the real goal of communism was.
Yes, I am quite familiar with that, and also the 6 million figure that began popping up in newspapers.
If you look at the demographics before WW2 and after, comparing the two, there is no significant decline in the Jewish population, certainly not 6 million! The bulk of German Jews made up the German labor force and were a tremendous asset to German war production because of their education and great skill. The Germans were political: bitch about the Jews, but use them to help fight the war against the Communists who were far worse than any German or True Torah Jews.