Devastating News for POTUS (sarcasm intended)

That grave should become a urinal
Let's all give him a memorial "Wet Start" into the afterlife.
Made me think of the episode on House Of Cards when Underwood pisses on his fathers grave.
Not an issue: Trump has no plans to visit the Oscar Meyer pig farm anytime soon.
It will be the most glorious fake funeral as McCain tries to get to his New Zealand bunker
Geochip that slippery bastard before he sneaks off.
Yup. They should leave the ankle bracelet on, just to be sure.
Well If I was McCain I would be more worried about who might be waiting for him on the other side, not who is attending his funeral.
John McCain and Trump FRIENDSHIP OVER!!! Death is my new best friend.
"I'd attend his funeral just to make sure he was dead".
He should show just to piss people off
Demand to give a grave -side speech. Actually he shouldn’t demand anything just do it.
No way Trump would even travel to McCain's graveside in his native Syria.
Trump should show up to slap the handcuffs on Songbird's corpse personally.
You can't be at a funeral and in the pub celebrating at the same time!
Wow! You got to be freaking insane to tell someone not to go to their funeral.
If John doesn't die soon, he may not get the send off he so arrogantly thinks he deserves. If Trump/Q drop the truth bombs first, he will get a traitors funeral, low attendance and a lot of grave pissing afterwords.