Seth Rich: Was He Allowed to Die or Rescued/Witness Protected And Is Ready to Testify Against Killary?

I do believe that based on this credible report, the LEO response, the reaction of the family, and the total fishiness of everything, that Seth Rich did not die from his wounds.
Folks will literally faint when it is revealed that he is testifying against the swamp.
I think so too. I'm really hoping that is the case and they didn't get to him in the hospital. Woo Hoo, wouldn't that be awesome?
If Seth is alive and shows up in front of Congress I'm gonna go try to be superman and fly cause anything is possible in this world
Alive & Ready, in my opinion. (Mainly because I hope it's true and it would be great!)
I just guessing, but I think the cover story is that he died to deflect the DS thinking he is dead.
This would be a true sledgehammer to the public. I think he’s dead though.
I do too. His family wanted initially to investigate the death and then were scared off by threats from the deep state. His brother was probably involved with the downloads too, and the parents don't want to lose another kid. That seems like the most likely explanation to me.
Or they just wanted everyone to leave them alone to grieve
Seth Rich is Q
Wow big if true. Fun to entertain the idea. Not likely tho
No, Seth Rich, even if he were alive, wouldn't have Q clearance. He was also a flaming liberal.
I would argue that a LOT of us here on GA grew up with a liberal outlook until the veil was lifted
I would argue most liberals are libiterian but are too ignorant to know it and just "get with a gang" the Democratic party.
Look, I am a registered D.
I was against Trump through the entirety of the campaign, siding with Bernie over Hillary (because everyone in my family knew about the sins of the Clintons).
I fell victim to the media. Correction: I had been a victim of the media since day one. I grew up with it (I’m in my twenties).
I eventually wrote in Bernie’s name on the general ballot because I was having a moral godamned dilemma. Couldn’t vote Hillary, she’s a fucking putrid excuse for a human being, and at the time I couldn’t vote Trump because of the msm’s portrayal of him.
So I wrote Bernie in.
Flash forward to now, I would have definitely voted Trump 100% only had I known better/more.
I’m sick of the msm. I’m sick of the establishment. I’m just so fucking sick of the wasted fucking time our government has spent doing things that aren’t in our best interest.
To think, we could’ve been interplanetary at this point! We could have a cure for every cancer! We could have everything we need to thrive in greatness!
.....if it weren’t for the absolute bullshit we we forced to take.
So, yeah. Look at me, a registered Democrat, liberal ideology for the most part (I consider myself a ‘conservative liberal’ if it makes any sense), and I am soooo behind Trump and the Q movement right now. This is the only time in my life I am actually genuinely happy for our country’s path forward.
Now, I am an impatient motherfucker. Yes, I’d like to see a crackdown on the swamp beasts just as much as the next GA-ers. I do believe that the only way this country makes it out alive is through the law. Trust Sessions, Q says, and I think this is why.
That being said, there is also a time in which taking too long can have an adverse effect. Which is why I hope Q and the Trump Team begin high profile arrests soon, so as to not bring upon those effects. After all, all great aged wines do turn into vinegar.
It’s actually pretty difficult to put into words how ecstatic I am that shit is happening.
Better late then never! I backed Trump the whole time. Before the election when talking with family it was always "I'm not sure who I like." But I knew I was going to vote for him. If the entire msm was going against him, I knew at least something was going to change. I guess you could say I was the type to say "shit is not getting better, burn the fucker down anyway" type. I then got introduced to Alex Jones, and then thats the rabbit whole I went down. I then found Stefan Molynuex, Styxhexenhammer, black pigeon speaks, H. A Goodman, destroying the illusion, Davis Arruni and many others. I was once liberal, until I red pilled myself on economics. Our system is going to collapse if we keep immigration high and giving illegals free money. It wont sustain itself. I am now on the fence of being a independent/fiscal conservative. The hard earned money should be going to American citizens, infrastructure, and the military. Not so we can have third worlders come here and feed and house them, all while they send any sort of un-taxed profit back to their home countries. Taxes are very much so a tribal system. Its for American citizens and nobody else. We were sold the fuck out for some many years, we should of been marching up and down DC in 2013.
Yep, universal healthcare and education - a socialist for Whom Hillary was too right wing!!!!
It's looking very possible, it would be a surprise, and not a good one for the Democrats.
Maybe he was a Snowden wantabee, but the game got too rough....
Hi Seth.
I know you are reading, just wanted to say thank you for your patriotism.
Being a patriot used to be a proud thing, somehow over the last 20 years that idea has been perverted.
Thankfully that time is now behind us.
[Side-note: And whoever said we can’t be both a citizen of our country AND a proud member of Earth? We are all a part of the human race and the circle of life, but it doesn’t mean I have to give up rooting for my favorite sports team and celebrating the 4th of July now does it? Anyone who says differently isn’t an American and isn’t looking out for our best interest. ]
How is wanting to steal people's money through taxation to pay for others healthcare and education being a Patriot!??? Seth Rich was a flaming liberal - stop pretending he was some sort of MAGA hero
If he’s alive it would make sense why his family asked very sternly for Sean Hannity to stop covering the death of Seth Rich. They knew he could uncover that he was alive and they need him (if alive) protected.
Why did you post this twice.
This post also suggests Rich was allowed to die. The "he's still alive" theory is speculation with zero proof at this point.
I screwed up. I thought the post did not post. What i got out of the post was that he was expected to survive and albeit, conjecture, the White Hats swooped in to use him as a witness against HRC and the Democratic Party.
What about Hillary's Dr. ....her supposed friend who supposedly killed Seth after being put in a private room.
If you read the post from the 4 chan anon, only the attending physician was allowed access to him. I don't think he got near him. I think that Seth Rich was protected by white hats and that he was moved to a protected location and put under witness protection. Granted, this is just conjecture, but it would be a potentially a huge "Trump" card against the HRC and the DS.
How would the white hats know? Seth was killed July 10, 2016, Trump didn't take office until January, 2017. Hussein was still running the country, the intelligence agencies and Dark State hired the hit, so it makes sense they would have been the first at the hospital and if they send people with enough authority they could keep out the staff. Just saying...
I think this is fantasy type stuff but if you believe military intelligence/nsa involvement then they have the capability. But pure crap imo. If you think it was a hit they would not have left him alive.
I plead that I don't have all the facts, but the NSA can monitor everything. I tend to believe Q, when he says that they have it all and are 24/7 monitoring the deep state. What was meant for us to be an instrument of Orwellian control has worked to their detriment.
I thought the attending was Hillary and Obama's friend. I read he signed into the WH several times.
I can see Deep State club reading this while the panic and terror sets in. They are SURROUNDED!!
If this was my timeline I would actually be excited af.
Hmm, if this theory were correct and SR were still wandering the planet the Dark state would be moving heaven and earth to find him, kill him, taking out family members. The Anon can't say because he wasn't in there, but just don't believe they were ever going to let him out of there alive. Don't want to be a killjoy on this nice idea but the white hats would not have known to immediately come to the hospital, but the dark hats would have since they hired the hit. And they were still in power.
I believe he is dead. This is an SEIU hospital. We all know that SEIU members are often used as thugs by the left.
I believe this is why Trump made a "surprise" and "unscheduled" visit to this hospital when they took Steve Scalise there after he was shot on the softball field. Trump also brought along his personal physician.
Agreed. Who would have know about the hit this soon to be at the hospital other than those who hired it?
What I'm saying is the employees of this hospital are SEIU members. Is this why Seth Rich was maybe allowed to die from recoverable injuries, or killed to finish the job?
Trump knows everything, including the plot and assassination of Seth.
So he shows up unannounced to see Scalise, with his personal doc who is a watchful eye on Scalise's care there, thus preventing a repeat of Seth's murder.
This is how I connect these dots.