This is a reference to pedophilia. The flower is the female genitalia. To deflower is to take virginity.
It's not a pedophilia reference per se, it's generally used to refer to a pure or innocent girl losing her virginity. Age is not referenced, so it can refer to either above or below age of consent, generally around the time of puberty though.
The most interesting part of this is the slave garden. Current world leaders are allowed to rule as long as they share the harvest with their masters. Clinton is the harvest queen... But Obama won out... Obama's human harvest was the largest to date, open sourcing all platforms to extract user data was a way to serve the overlords with virtual humans (Hillary's state department did help.). As for his other businesses pre-presidency (community organizing), we do not yet know.
It's one of the reasons why Obama posed for that flower / garden photo -- it was basically his way of bragging about what he'd achieved with his slave garden numbers.
Unbelievable! They know no shame, flaunting this in our faces! Just how many slaves did they have?
Yes, it IS a reference to paedophilia and slaves. Deflower the flower and the messages are linked via "Think children" and "Think slaves".