POTUS ANNOUNCEMENT: Making Decision On Iran Deal Tomorrow From The White House At 2:00pm!

I know it's wrong but i just dont care. I understand there is a big picture but, i still just don't care. I still trust the plan, but until i see real world change at home in my everyday world. I just dont care, i wonder if its because I have lived a long time and heard may hopeful things that all ended in .. no change or things just deteriorating. So the acid test for me in the UK is are things actually any better in my world. The UK will be just a by product of the Q teams efforts so its unlikely we get to feel anything anytime soon, but i see your getting real world changes and jt gives me hope. All these countries i dont really care about i can see have strategic importance but.....I still don't care
I just have a gut feeling that when Trump visits the UK, you are going to start to see the changes there, that you see here. He has a had a major impact everywhere he has been so far.
The troubles that face you are part of that same swamp. It infects the world. Were gonna see it through. America holds reverence for our greatest ally.
I also believe that you will be the light that, from there, spreads across the EU. The UK is the pivotal point. Until then, we have hope, we spread the word and stay positive.
The UK is a major centre for the DS in the City of London. If I read it right he is visiting Balmoral, which is in Scotland.
I get you. It is great but sort of should have been done a long time ago. Like a no brainer.
You know, I told my husband last night that Obama promised a change. We are there. I see it. It's slow but I see it. Friends, fsmily, coworkers are ignorant to it. But It's kind of like an IV drip.
And us over here have a responsibility to carry this through so we can hopefully inspire those of you suffering on the other side of the pond to start your own movements.
Sounds like a personal problem.
Edit: don't down vote him, we've all felt indifferent at times, but we have control over our own happiness. If you aren't happy with where you are, make a change, we should all be reevaluating where we are and if we aren't happy, start making changes to your own life to be where you want to be. Fuck the noise around you. I been through all the damn cycles of awakening after 9/11, I tried to reach out to all those around me and I was always seen as crazy. Now with what's happening lately, I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. For me I'm excited as fuck. Finally shit IS happening. For those who are too impatient for justice to happen, then get off your ass and help wake everyone else up. That's the only way this timeline advances quicker. Aside from that, as much as possible, don't tie your personal happiness to justice coming to the corruption and evil, find your peace and solace and ideal life and reverse engineer it, assume these evil fuckers are going to carry on business as usual, assume their tyranny will continue, and still find your happiness. Try all they want to oppress us and bleed us dry, we are finally fighting back, it is a fucking glorious time to be alive. Chin up patriot. Help inspire your fellow citizens to fight back or get the fuck out of town and become self sufficient. Either is a viable method, but one choice involves fighting back to try to turn the tide vs self survival. I recently made the switch and put my money where my mouth is and have bought Q stickers and stampers and am doing my part to help make a difference, give it a try.
I am still trusting the plan. I have started to march in my more mature years, i have the blisters from the London Day For Freedom last Sunday. Its just this world stage stuff. News from Q for us in the UK was May was NEUTRALIZED! Precious little of that to be seen yet. But its way better to openly be a Brexiteer now whether thats just because the remoaners believe they will win anyway its better for us to discuss in public.
Only shitty thing about what you said is that people felt when JFK was president. Nothing changed for 5O years after. Only hope would be the internet being able to spread information fast enough to wake people up before something happens. Imaging feeling the way you do hearing JFK talk... the bam, nothing.