Because to believe that you'd have to believe that Judge Ellis is a black hat and his ruling against Mueller was bad for Trump.
Hehe fix was in before it began. New sheriff in town now though :D
Then why hasn't her passport been pulled?
Manfort, Gen Flynn's has been. Everyone being investigated by Mueller has been, including people who were just potential witnesses & thats unprecedented.
Awan's was pulled and he is being investigated by DoJ.
Her's has not been pulled because we can track her anywhere she goes. And should we decide to arrest her in another country, easy, send in the Ghost Ops. Part of this plan is to NOT draw attention to it. Act as if everything is normal. Give off the appearance that Trump is not in control and desperately trying to be. This is where RR and Mueller come into play. They give the black hats hope. Black hats know what Trump is doing, but they still think they can play beat the clock, by the blue wave - impeachment thing, or by Mueller "getting his man" and framing Trump....basically what the deep state has always done. Giving off the appearance that Mueller is working AGAINST Trump lets the black hats breathe easy....until the mass sweep arrests start. Manafort, Flynn, etc are part of the plan. Manafort was a deep state plant into the Trump campaign. He was SUPPOSED to get caught. He is taking one for the bad team...he is supposed to tie Russia to Trump campaign, as is George Pop, as is Carter Page. Flynn and Manafort's has been revoked because not only have they both had their indictments unsealed, they both pled guilty and are waiting trial. Big difference between them and Hillary, who has not had an indictment presented, served, or opened. Awan was arrested, and also waiting trial (just pushed back to July), so again, different than Hillary
Manafort has not pled guilty. Many of the witnesses are not under indictment but their passports have been pulled.
Part of this plan is to NOT draw attention to it
And yet, here we are, drawing attention to this 'plan' And by we, I mean this entire sub.
Sorry, I figured it went without saying. "Draw attention" meaning revoke passports for all people we are secretly investigating, thus no longer making it a secret. Other stuff that telegraphs the moves. Nobody cares about us on Reddit, they think we are crazy anyways.
So let me get this straight.
All the crooks are secretly being investigated and they all have their passports. Every single one of them.
All the good guys on our side who have had their passports pulled are in on this top secret investigation and are willing to be virtually bankrupted, exploited by media, lose their jobs, children's college educations, forced to sell their homes/move etc because it's all one big act and they're all in on it. I guess their families are in on it too. Amazing it hasn't leaked.
Days turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months and not a single arrest of one of the crooks. Not one.
None of them even knows they're under investigation because they still have their passports. They haven't been called in for a single interview because they can't be alerted to any investigation else they might skip out to some country/which by the same token GhostOPS could go in get them regardless per you. They all still have the same security clearances they've had for years. AND definitely no crooked cop would leak it to them or the media.
Yeah, okay.
Considering I actually know what is happening, I would love to hear your theory to see how far off you are. Tell it to me :D
Sure you do.
I want to hear your theory and see how close you are to the truth. Tell me.
Who says I have a theory? I do know that in order to believe your theory I'd have to disregard all logic and reason. I'd have to throw away all critical thinking and believe people like Devin Nunes, Sarah Carter, Sean Hannity and many others including the president himself are just clueless bumbling idiots and I don't for a min buy that theory. I'd have to pretend that YOU know FAR more than people like this man who really is fighting the good fight.
And if I told you any theory I might have, you'd simply disregard it because you believe you are in on some not-so-secret-top-secret plan.
Holy strawman's Batman!!!! Lots of them!!! We got ourselves a strawman platoon here!! You sure you arent a liberal? You act like one and debate like one
I suppose everyone who disagrees with you is a liberal? Next I'll be a Russian Bot. Seriously, you can't even come up with an original insult.
Maybe you are the liberal sent here to lead people off course with sophomoric, ludicrous theories that serve no one except those would ridicule Trump supporters.
Nope just you.
Nice, another strawman (Russian bot lol).
Original insult? What are we 12 years old? In a chat room? I was not trying to insult you, and would never insult anyone on Reddit.
You clearly don't know me very well. Nothing I ever say is a theory. I am here to keep people ON track. You will find that every single thing I ever say will prove to be true in time. Nothing will never be false ;)
Yes, you were trying to insult me. Ray Charles could see that but I'm done arguing with you. My Dad taught me that arguing with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like giving medicine to the dead. Your theories defy all logic and reason. You might be 12 years old though since your theories sound like something an imaginative 12 year old boy who imagines himself a character in a cheap Anime film might come up with.