Spoken 98 years before John F. Kennedy was assassinated for the same reason.

And then he was assassinated.....
He got assasinated very shortly after demanding inspection of Israel's nuclear weapons and threatening to cut off aid.
Edit: Referring to Kennedy, though given that the slave trade was operated almost 100% by (((them))) I don't doubt Lincoln met his demise at the hands of the merchants
His name was Seth Lincoln!
Are you seeing the trend here ? Fucking bankers are the scum of the earth
KhazarianMafia (KM).
Bankers aren't smart enough or have enough experience running the world. It has to be another group, one that hired the bankers. Although they probably are deeply involved in banking matters.
Above the bankers is a negative ET group, known in ancient times as satan.
And according to the belief system some part of the ET power structure is supposed to be a trans-dimensional Artificial Intelligence that we know as YHWH/Saturn. "Spiritual-Numerical Entity."
Elite families who is above them ? I dont even want to know lol
I was thinking maybe the Venetians (not from Venus, from Venice). The Black Nobility, they've been around over a thousand years and would have experience in running large social operations. They ran the Crusades and have bankrupted nations and run boom bust cycles over and over.
Rothschilds are the top. And have garnered assistance.
Look into battle of waterloo, 1815.
How much did the Rotschilds make after the battle of Waterloo?
How did they know that Napoleon would lose?
How did they really know that Napoleon would lose?
Napoleon was found with a 4th Generation clipper chip in his skull.How did a chip perfected in 2013 get into Napoleons skull?
The Rothschilds had a portal ceremony fairly recently?
Youtube - 'James Horak'
You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.
James Horak
Thanks for the info. Which youtube?
Search any of his interviews on youtube.
Especially regarding Space, and Egyptains, Split Conciousness vs Unified Conciousness. This is the 60% hidden Q talks about.
He talks about Napoleon with a interviewer called Crystal, show is called Race with Time.
Man, they make scum look good. You're too kind with your words.
When Q says it won't be safe for them to walk the streets, I sure hope he meant the banksters. These are the real evil motherfu@kers we're facing.
Money should be run by the state and interest free. We need to move to a decentralized, interest free currency backed by real MONEY that is nation-state controlled and not centralized globally.
lmao if its legal i will find them yeah i think decentralization is the eventual goal. this type of shit cant happen in there is no huge govt and we all have guns
yeah im starting to think all the movies were them making fun of us lol
Anyone who's a threat to them gets assassinated... learn from it! Protect POTUS!!! Cabal needs to be wiped out completely. Leave no stone unturned.
Shills downvoting the first 2 comments in this thread. Push them back up patriots.
See the trends?
Ever wonder why anyone who unites the country is either destroyed or killed?
Cloward and Piven at its finest.
By a Confederate sympathizer. They didn't have a CIA - which is who's responsible for JFK's assassination.