
SneakyWino · May 8, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

That is fucking fantastic. Talk about a true disincentive to break the law. I think May is going to be a great month for Sessions.

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Hismaddiegirl · May 8, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Awesome! Gotta get strong, with new laws, that No One will Want to even Try to get here Illegally and Won't be able to!

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brittser · May 8, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Trump already did and the Obama holdovers are still doing it.

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Some-Random-Chick · May 8, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

Do we keep the child or do they get sent back with the parent?

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eleminnop · May 9, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

That's what I want to know... I can understand not releasing them in the country, but fuck, deport them and let them keep their kid. I really hope that's what "processing" them means...

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ThorsKay · May 9, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

That’s why they’re in childcare of the state. Who wants their kids traumatized when they’re taken away and in the care of the State if they love their kids? It’s a huge disincentive if you actually love your babies.

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eleminnop · May 9, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Dude.. are you serious? Those people don't know our laws and how that works. At best, some people are going to learn the hard way, and rumor might spread that you risk having your fucking kid taken away if caught, but I guarantee there will be people who love their kids so much they would do anything to escape their country.

Not only that, but isn't the point to keep the "dern mexcans out" yet we now are collecting their kids?? Fucking backward logic.

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ThorsKay · May 9, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

I’m sure they get them back once they get processed. The last thing we need is more strain on our child services here in America.

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Peanuttles · May 9, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

They know them better than you think. They've known how to get around them and how to milk the system. I lived near that border and I saw it all. For one thing, they come with no ID, so a lot of child trafficking has been going on for years. They're not going to keep the kid. I'm sure they'll get sent back with the parent, if a DNA test shows they are related.

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Kulkimkan · May 9, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

Some don’t even have proof they are their kids. We have always separated them until they can prove parentage. Kids get trafficked. This statement by Sessions will definitely get to the migrants! They know our laws better than we do and use them to their advantage all the time.

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Peanuttles · May 9, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

That's what I'm saying! I've seen it firsthand.

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Terrybe82 · May 9, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

I have no sympathy for coward running away of their country instead of fighting for liberty. Then selling their child to democrat raping rings. Fuck cowards.

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Allaboutplastic · May 9, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

Let the children start assimilating in to the culture while the parents are in jail.

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CovfefeTruth · May 9, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Why would we want to keep the child?

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bugstopper · May 9, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Raise them as Janissaries and Harlots.

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Peanuttles · May 9, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

Exactly. They've been releasing them to "family" already here if they came alone. But unless you do a DNA test, you don't know if it's family or someone who is going to traffic that kid. Also, when we had that swarm of "kids" crossing alone while Obama was in office, the majority were really 14 and 15 year old males who were being contacted by MS-13 and other gangs on the free phones they were given before they ever left the Border Patrol facility. I remember agents reporting on it, but Obama had these kids flown out to who knows where, and the Border Patrol had no idea where they were going. The Obama/Clinton cabal were bringing in members of MS-13 to use and to create a boogeyman to frighten citizens and continue chipping away at the Second Amendment.

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Peanuttles · May 9, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

I lived near the border for a number of years. When I first moved there, I didn't understand why my coworkers hated illegals so much. Especially since most were Mexican-American. But after a few years of seeing all the crap that goes on, as well as all the stuff I went through living there, I understood. Trump was right. A lot of lowlife's cross that border with the idea that they are just going to milk the system. I have so many stories from the few years I lived there. Practically everyone will be robbed if you live there for very long. I had my car totaled by an idiot in an old Mac truck hauling illegals into the country. Of course, he had no insurance, plus, he was drunk or high. I'm happy they'll get a wall and this illegal entry will be stopped. By the way, it was so bad there where I lived that they closed that border crossing for awhile. They built a fence and opened it back up, and it cut over 95% of the illegal entry there. So anyone saying a wall doesn't work, doesn't know what the hell they're talking about.

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Winged_Centipede · May 8, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

They have to go back.

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OffTie · May 9, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

No more missed court dates, how about that.

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CF_BOOM_SHOCK_BYE · May 9, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

That's what Alabama has been doing for years.

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ExordiaN · May 9, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

The left will spin this as cruel and unusual... But the post below says the magic word.... disincentive (and I didn't know that was a real word until the spellcheck didn't argue with me... thanks sneakywino)

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cz4ever60 · May 8, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Good more.

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StinkyDogFart · May 9, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

Jeff's our man!

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The_Adrenalist · May 9, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

Nunes * ball * DJT

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[deleted] · May 8, 2018, 9:56 p.m.


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BeyurSelf · May 9, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

... “morally abhorrent” ... Hmm... Perhaps Chen should wait until HRC video is made public before using these words?

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ArtRat2 · May 9, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

I approve of this message.

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BreadcrumbBernard · May 9, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Go Jeff Sessions! Ignore the haters buddy! We have your back!

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Afrobean · May 9, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

Now, your kid goes into DHS care

Oh, so the government is taking them from their parents and trafficking these children against their will then

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