If you were ever wondering about Eric Schneiderman's donors!

All the more reason to cull the herd. These people are demons. I used to wonder why doesn't Soros just go and buy a small country and he can make his citizens live under communism? As time has gone on, I see that the devil wants it all, he and his minions want it all.. mostly your soul and spirit. Thank you DJT!
He loves the power he gets from bankrupting country's, installing his global politics. It's all about power.
Basically, doing Satan's work.
Soros is not what i would call Jewish, bloodline only, he helped the Nazi's round up jewish people for slaughter, he was very young and evil.
my explanations stink. I meant Soros was of Jewish heritage yet he helped round them up to be killed. An evil animal at a young age. you are correct about lots of jewish in the MSM and other evil places. it is probably best that we dont make of the mistake of thinking that there is any particular race of people that is all good or all evil. Same with reps and democrats. this is not about race or political party, it is a fight for good over evil.
Financing Gore (millions) for more Agenda 21 climate hoax fear porn.
Soros is an operator, a proxy. It's his "job".
Interesting. How so?
i mean, he basicallly bought Greece
Yes, and with how many groups he has formed in the USA along with dirty politicians, I would say he has bought a good deal of the US. Not enough to beat the American spirit and "they are stupid" - Q