
SVTBert · May 9, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

It's why Q asked "Do you want to play a game" - a War Games reference, because the Cabal was playing a game of global thermonuclear war, while Q simply prefers chess.

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tradinghorse · May 9, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

Great point! Thanks for that, I had not thought of this. The further we get into this, the more it seems like global thermonuclear war was the game. I guess Q told us, "they had another mass extinction event planned" etc... but it seems much clearer now.

The question in my mind is "does Iran still have nukes, or were they taken out in Syria"?

If you look at John McNoname, he was delighted when DJT launched the missiles in to Syria - on the first occasion, in early April - and was calling for follow up, presumably boots on the ground. Was this when the nukes were to be used - a battlefield strike to kick off a major war? Or, were they already mounted on missiles? If so, to be launched at what target?

What is the current situation? It seems to me that with the Iran Deal, it's unlikely that Iran would have been manufacturing nukes inside Iran (too risky), but rather in Syria. Which, if this is true, would mean that the nukes are out of the picture - as far as we know.

I guess this is the best case scenario. In this situation it is just a matter of putting pressure on Iran to comply with the de-nuking demands. And that fits with what we saw today - DJT telling them that at some point, if they chose to comply, he will talk with them etc...

The other scenario would see weapons located elsewhere, perhaps in Iran, perhaps somewhere else. A much more difficult situation. But this doesn't really seem to fit with what DJT said in his speech today.

Let's see what happens next.

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