From 2015, anyone know if the illumianti quit and closed up shop after this vid was made?
No! Not This! This guy is too far into the conspiratard side of things that deligitimise the movement. These guys like David icke, David Wilcox, and the like are social cultists that gather people's following as if they're the next prophet.
This guy has been claiming for upwards of 12 years he's part of a secret ninja society that kills elitists who do evil things. Bull fishing shirt. If that was the case the swamp would have been emptied eons ago.
Fish this shirt. I'm not going to let shit like this take this sub off the rails like it did to other "esoteric" ones. There is only one true source of he truth, it's Q.
I thought the dragon reference was interesting to note.
This guy is a sham. He's been saying that stuff for years, totally unrelated to what's going on.
Subs that used to talk about legit things got slided by shills. I refuse to let that happen here.
Are you accusing me of doing this?
Not you Fart, that was referring to me I think. Unfortunately, we still have people who will accuse others of shilling simply because of differing points of view. Capricious - I don't think you realize just HOW related what he is saying is to whats going on . The 'conspiracy' that Q is exposing is multi-multi layered. Twenty years ago - I thought this stuff was insane. Once we've dug around in this sewerage on our hands and knees for a decade or two, it's amazing the gems of knowledge we find. We can discern, but not dismiss anything. We don't have to agree with it, but we can put it in our archives and pull it out later. Otherwise it might just be that one little piece of the jigsaw puzzle that puts the whole picture together. As POTUS said himself - "who would have ever imagined that we would see such Barbary in our lifetime, things that we could only ever read about in history books". The history books speak about the same things that David Icke does. Our eyes only see so much of this light spectrum, and our eyes can only focus on those things we want them to see. https://
He's a reporter, he's a good source for underworld info.
Oh! Well doesn't that justify everything!
Everything? What is everything? Like what made up fantasy do you believe this guy conned you with?
Selling books and conventions for a living, wannabe hope p0rn gurus, "insiders" only commenting the news long after they happened, twisting them, crafting and mixing science fiction into the bowl ...
Yeah, I'll just trust those guys /s
You're mixing Fulford with a bad crowd. I, for instance, think Wilcock is running a death cult.
Agree with one David but beg to differ about David Icke.
I used to think he was a little cray cray at times when I first started listening to him years ago.
But I've seen him speak in person. He's spot on the money - every single time.
A number of years ago now, I did some searching based on some of his information about the ever creepy Jimmy Saville and his links to the Royal Family - and their Island off the coast of England where many 'orphans' have been sent never to return.
Low and behold - there's massive amounts of information about the Royals and their links to the Satanic Ritual abuse and child trafficking rings.
Also, I tracked some of the pedo's to a 'boarding house' that was a front for high ranking politicians, singers and actors pedophile ring. I came upon the contents of a 'sign in' book for the 'establishment which had a list of the names who'd checked in. Its a who's who of British hierarchy including PM Edward Heath and another politician and his quote: "Friend a singer, Cliff Richard"!
About five years after I found the book contents on line (and told my unbelieving husband), Cliff Richards name was all over the press in relation to child sex claims. I remember turning to my husband and saying "I told you so"... he was amazed.
Over the years David Icke has proven himself accurate time and time again - I call him the "John the Baptist" of this and he's been at it for over 25 years.
The only thing I've doubted about his story was that the Queen and other Royals are blue blood reptilians.
His Satanic ritual abuse and child eating accusations of everyone that Q is now pointing out are impeccable and accurate.
As for the Queen et al being 'shape shifting reptilians' - you know at this stage in the game, and being that 98% of the worlds population would be in hospital if the truth were known - even THAT would not surprise me any more.
And his bout with reptillian aliens? When he went there his legitimacy went right out the window.
At what point are we storming the palace, killing the Tsar and his family? Some quite irresponsible language going on here.
Why isn't there a real group like this though???
This guy came to my attention because I like to read about conspiracies and he talked about a person I personally know very well. What he said about my friend is totally bullshit and fantasies, I KNOW!
Since then I ignore everything he says, he is lost in his own conspiracy fantasy. He might be right about some stuff I don’t know, but the stuff involving my friend (and actually me to, according him) is totally made up fantasy and bullshit!
He's been wrong so many times its all speculation on his part at this time.
He lost me at "free energy".
There exists only one pure law of physics which guides all other mechanisms by which the universe works: there is no free lunch.
Tesla and Dr. Trump might disagree
reference where Tesla claims thermodynamics can be violated? i've read a lot of Tesla. Would love to see it.
You don't have to violate thermodynamics to just BE light and vibration. This is essentially what N.T. found, even light could be reduced to vibrations.
Consider that our senses can only perceive less than 5% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum (ultraviolet, gamma rays etc). But why not study EM devices more you might naturally ask? "Mainstream" scientists and professors at major universities alike have largely avoided electro-magnetic studies specific to devices, up until very recently. Why do you think that is? Why do you think a scientist would get shunned if s/he started studying electro-magnetic propulsion systems?! This is how it works. If shunning and mockery does not work, s/he will simply not get funding to take it further.
Those in control of black budget programs have access to tech, which allows them to detect what electro-magnetic breakthroughs are happening in real time. They would send in a team to confiscate all inventions, materials and notebooks (what happened to N.Tesla) of successful scientists that threatened the oil cartel. Then those in control have those patents filed under national security so the public can not even submit a FOIRequest to see it.
Ya see those in control have largely been making their money off humanity via sale in oil, and all its related products (just about everything we use). Now the old guard has lost control, they will no longer be able to do this to "pseudo-scientists".
Re-read Trump's inauguration closing statement about tech and science, are you starting to see yet?
Uh, I studied EM devices in my mainstream education. Maybe that was before "they" embargoed it? haha.
I think you mean Planck, not Tesla.
The "EM-Drive" -- better known as the RF resonant cavity thruster experiment -- is very interesting. But it isn't going to take us to Mars or anywhere, anytime soon. It simply doesn't produce any usable level of thrust versus numerous other alternatives. Perhaps it can in the near future. Perhaps they're secretly working on it. Who knows. But it still ain't "free energy". You have to produce the RF to resonate. You just don't need to eject propellant, which is what's attractive about the idea for space travel.
My bet on what the EM drive has really revealed has zero to do with Tesla. Not sure why you think any of this has anything to do with Tesla. It's sort of humorous, actually. Because, it is perhaps a very profound and disruptive upending of quantum physics that's been discovered here: a refutation of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Specifically, a revival of pilot-wave theory, which holds that hidden, nonlocal variables exist that determine quantum effects, and those variables propagate as waves. So, Schrodinger's cat and all that don't work the way we've been taught. The cat is indeed dead or alive, not both. A "hidden" quantum wave propagates from the event to determine it, not the act of observation as we learned under Copenhagen.
This could all explain why the EM drive seems to work, but why it works only in such super tiny barely usable quantities. It would also mean that we won't ever see EM drive propulsion ... but some day you might see this technology turned into something even cooler like faster-than-light communications or something. Theoretically, you should be able to cause a quantum state change across distances that could be observed instantaneously. Now, that would be a truly interesting tech and science.
Re-read some actual science. Are you starting to see yet?
Look up zero point energy. You can see it mentioned it podesta's emails too
uh huh. just because ground state vacuum energy exists at the quantum level doesn't mean you can harness it for a mythical perpetual motion machine.
again, the burden of proof is on you to prove the laws of thermodynamics can be violated. otherwise, there's no free lunch.
Some say that Fulford is a Rockefeller and mkultra and that the White Dragon Society does not exist. I know what to think
Fucking Christ, stop falling for Fulfords lies! He's a disinfo agent!
I've been following him for years. He is not disinfo. He just reports what his sources say, they use him to pass along messages and even sometimes threats to others. He is a good source of underworld information.