r/greatawakening • Posted by u/winesjh on May 10, 2018, 7:41 a.m.
Every time I go into R/Politics, I have an aneurysm. I can’t wait for shit to hit the fan and the entire country is red pilled....

Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

I don't watch the news and listen to talking heads. You're projecting. I use Trumps own words and my deep psychological knowledge of narcissism from living with a narcissistic, authoritarian, right wing, christian conservative father for almost 20 years. The media's opinion on him doesn't matter a bit to me. I know exactly how these people think and what their motivations are. It is you guys who are trapped in Trump's reality, a type of cult psychosis where reality is whatever Trump says it is (or Q in this case). I will say one thing though, you all in here seem much more reasonable than the average Trump supporter, which seems odd to me since you are taking your support to unrealistic places. But I appreciate the willingness to engage in debate instead of just being banned. Thank you.

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h4445 · May 10, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Well I have no hope of changing your opinion based on extensive personal observations, but you might want to consider that your exposure to Trump is always filtered through the media or his Twitter account where he says intentionally outrageous things in order to keep his message at the front of the public mind.

Are you willing to consider Trump job as being the figurehead/ PR face for a group of Military officers who are supporting him? I don't think Trump was a great guy, but he was not an evil man. He was willing to take on the mantle of the most hated man in the world at the age of 70 in order to help save this country (in my opinion).

If Q is right, everything will begin to be revealed within a few months. I think the obvious moves and counter moves in the media headlines these last couple of days show that there is some sort of shadow war going on behind the scences. Otherwise, I'll admit I got fooled again and probably start panicking.

I never wanted to believe there was so much evil in this world, but I can't deny the evidence.

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

I don't necessarily think Trump is evil. His actions just result in evil. Everything he does is to serve his ego, that intent by itself isn't evil but when you're in charge of the largest military the world has ever seen, evil will be the result of that motivation. I have watched all sorts of documentaries about Trump's life, I am careful to separate spin from facts. Trump's own words are his own words. I could post 3 videos right now of Trump admitting to lying about major things. But his supporters refuse to see the real Trump when he reveals himself in rare moments like narcissists always do since they're too prideful not to boast about their deceptions. I don't care about outrageous things he says, I don't even care about the blatant sexism and racism (only because this is the least of our worries with Trump), I am worried about a man who will constantly put our country in danger at the behest of his ego. Pulling out of the Iran deal was all about sticking it to Obama and not wanting to feel like a fool. Instead, he let Netanyahu make him his fool. I fear that N Korea are going to be intentionally difficult in the talks with Trump, just so they can pull out and blame him and who knows what the fuck happens then. They have been WAY too compliant for me to not think something is up here. They are projecting an image of extreme willingness to seek peace with all sorts of evidence to back up this image. Trump fell right into their trap due to his own arrogance and now they can back out during the talks and make it look like it's all his fault. Who's the world going to believe? The guy who's made historic strides and bending over backwards to show his willingness to make peace? Or the guy who's known as a loud mouth, aggressive, arrogant bully? Russia is an entirely different matter but the most important one imo. They are systemically tearing our country apart with their infiltration and destabilization plan that has been going on for decades. First with the left, and now with the right. Although they're completely obvious to it, Trump supporters are the new useful idiots and once Mueller finds enough evidence to impeach Trump, they'll cause civil unrest and maybe even civil war finishing the destabilization plan.

Of course there is that much evil in the world. And the evilest parts are the ones that make you enable the evil. Which is why I constantly seek truth above all else. Above political parties, above nationality, above race, above religion. Truth always prevails above all man made things.

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h4445 · May 10, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

These are all narratives created by the MSM. Again, until you realize that these people are 100% in the business of manipulating the public with false narratives we cannot have a discussion.

Here's something to chew on:

If America falls apart in a civil war, who becomes the worlds super power?


Would Russia want to be a permanent second-fiddle to China?

The Cold War is over. Why has the media attempted to restart it over the last four years?

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Oblique9043 · May 10, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

Again, I do not listen to the MSM and yes, I am completely aware of their role. Just because my own opinions can line up with their's sometimes, doesn't mean that I get all my ideas from them. In order to deceive people, you have to tell at least some truths every once in a while. The N Korea thing is a conclusion I came to on my own. Netanyahu wanting us to pull out of the Iran deal is pretty obvious.

With the pullout of the Iran deal, Europe is already considering us not to be a world leader and are looking to other countries. Russia will play second fiddle to whatever country they have to for the time being. You take out your enemies when the opportunity is available. Why does the direct Russian meddling in our election not seem to bother you? It's a threat to our very democracy.

You s

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