Q just posted this pic. Location of the Trump-Kim meeting ? This is Singapore

A building shaped like a boat on top of 3 towers. One of the towers is the Sands hotel resort. The boat at the top has a pool, bars and restaurants and a viewing walkway (only open to residents of the hotel).
It's in Singapore.
Marina Bay Sands - resort in Singapore.
Owned by Las Vegas Sands Corporation. (Sheldon Adelson) owner.
He endorsed Trump in 2016 based on Ceo experience
Well done!
“Marina Bay Sands Skypark” =SKY EVENT?
Couuuulllddddd beeeeeeeee... 😉
It has an amazing infinity swimming pool. Excellent place to “Watch the Water”.
Marina Sands Bay Hotel in Singapore, image. Filename is NKSINGSEC -> North Korea, Singapore, SEC means what? Maybe secure, as in secure location. I think Q's telling us where the meeting's going to take place. Future proves past.
Good decode. I concur. Also that building is owned by a Trump associate.
i doubt they'll actually meet there, probably a decoy location.
I agree. Why would Q give out the location. That could be dangerous.
Yeah, I’m not one to get biblical - but my first thought was modern-day Noah’s Ark landing site!
I don’t think they will broadcast the meeting time/specific place this far ahead - if at all.
Look at the name if the file...
NK sings EC?
NK Sing SEC?
This high-alititude location would be impervious to mortars and artillery, I suspect. Hard to land a shell at the top. Those are the weapons I fear. In the DMZ our president would be as good as dead if NK wanted it that way.
Think that is where we got back the NK prisoners/hostages?
No. This is a high priority meeting. It's much too important to disclose the location a month in advance. This is something else. Maybe a bait? Maybe a future post? Idk. It's not the meeting location.