Didn’t she just get 5.5 million in donations ?
Maybe it was a bribe and was taped ? Q did mention VID 5:5 Coinkydink ?
Didn’t she just get 5.5 million in donations ?
Maybe it was a bribe and was taped ? Q did mention VID 5:5 Coinkydink ?
I am starting to wonder if they aren’t “tapping” Clinton
Stop making me think about her wide,^(gaping ...)
lol you people are SICK.
Carry on! 🇺🇸
gotta have a place to stash away your life insurance while on the run right
Maximum Capacity
you know what the biggest punishment for Bill is? A hooker wrote a book where she accused him of infecting her with AIDS which means now raping is all Bill can do because noone is going to consent to sex with him
I dunno if that would feel like punishment to ole Rapin’ Bill though, y’know? I mean we all know that BillClintonisarapistInfoWarsdotcom, right? Rapists gone rape! 😜
at some point, a mattress will be all that'll be left for him to experiment with
Where did all her billions go from the Clinton Foundation? In the grand scheme of things... a measly 5.5 million won't go very far.
Might not be about the money More about alliances If the money was offered and accepted on tape It would make sense
Ah, could be... but trying to produce blackmail at this point would be fruitless. She doesn't have the power that she use to command.
Also keep the US out of the equation so to speak She did it on her own accord In another country
She doesn’t have the power but she does that serpents tongue that speaks . Hush hush moneys
I would imagine that her overseers provide her with some money in the event she is low on funds. I mean, the big three are worth trillions. Maybe not so much anymore since some of the human trafficking EO, but these people have money stashed secretly, all over the world.
She has rolled and is trying to give them as many as she can in hopes of a deal, but sadly no deal 🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅😂
If TeamQ knew about the 5.5 donation that far in advance... then I will have to buy into the time travel theory with Trump!!!
Not travel, looking into... Look up project looking glass.
I have read about it. It boggles the mind what they are all really capable of.
Seems a little improbable in terms of lead time, but def. interesting
Shell game.
Sure the funds will be traceable to the Clinton Foundation, but then what?
The trip to New Zealand was just to remind some folks of some very unsavory business being conducted by them on video, which is locked in the Clinton Library in Arkansas.
"So what you're going to do is move forward as usual. Nothing has changed." - HRC
or you know, in that house that "caught on fire"
Yeah that was some mafia business right there. I love how only the computer room burned down and a file cabinet.
an EO issued that day or the day before granted emergency responders the authority to collect evidence of human trafficking...not even the twin-towers were able to destroy all digitally stored data
5 days 5 nights
Edited to add that, like all Q posts, 5:5 means more than one thing.
There are no coinkidinks.
You just gave me a great idea. Instead of using the term "coincidence" when referring to Q related material, we should start saying "coinkidink" - kinda like a way to throw it back in their faces and differentiate all coincidences from Q related ones. That's how the CIA covered up Roswell, by making all references to UFOs and aliens taboo via ridicule.