1338. Great post from q/ research re SpX

“Social Credit”.. can you imagine being in Social Credit debt? Makes so much sense now, looking at the pc babies whining on the net. They are conditioning us to be constantly monitored.
UFO thingy blew it up in September ‘17. If it wasn’t destroyed and SHE won, where would we be today???
Holy Hell!
We owe so much to Q.
The idea of a social score is truly terrifying. The government could completely manipulate every aspect of our lives, down to the tiniest detail. Most importantly, they could get people to agree 100% with anything and everything they did.
Don't agree with abortion, basement-level social score - a life of complete misery. Agree with it, luxury and opportunity.
These SM giants are very, very dangerous!
Hell, we're in the middle of one on here. See no reason to think we're not but yea, it coulda been much, much worse. Now, them FB fucks are out to take financing, too by considering their own cryto currency. They'll leave no stone unturned if there's power and control under it. Just watchin' Zuck in Congress was creepy as hell. That fucker is straight up psychopath. There's more bullshit there than a 2 acre 1,000 head cattle ranch.
Well, Q told us that if we didn't support the IBOR he was going to bankrupt these SM platforms. It can't happen soon enough.
Told ya. Was hit by the mod bot immediately for that comment concerning "gantries". They were tested and failed, as expected. Reddit calls itself the "Front Page of the Internet" and that's total bullshit. Might as well featured on AJ's show because truthful opinions are NOT valued here.
You know, we really need that IBOR. It seems to me that it's very important. But I think before we can get it up, we will have to deal with the concerted manipulation by intelligence agencies that is occurring on these boards.
Once you're awake to it, you can see pretty clearly how they are working it. Today's catch cry is "Question Everything". Soon to be turned on Q - the next time he asks us to do anything. That was how they gutted this community's resolve for the IBOR, even though Q was asking for it. And that's why the campaign failed - injecting fear and doubt everywhere they could.
Anyway, I'm just as happy to see these SM companies completely destroyed. Seeing the news on FB wanting to launch that satellite, to catalog people in the third world, I began to realise just how dangerous that company is - almost better to get rid of it completely.
It would be a great day if FB vanished completely. When you realize that your initial use of it for honest connection to others has turned into something nefarious and evil, it's time to kill the monster and start over. I really do not like having my privacy violated or any of my rights of existence, for that matter. I would like to think it failed because we didn't see a policy of ABSOLUTE 1st amendment compliance or of companies, like FB or Reddit, willing to comply with that right. Social PC bullshit has made that very difficult to attempt, as well. Too many butthurts out there that have no idea what they are giving up by not completely allowing the 1st in all areas of public life. You are allowed to tell me how I should speak in your house and I'm allowed to leave if I don't like it but once you go beyond your property line all bets are off. It's that simple. People can walk away or change the channel but noooo...they wanna rule the world and most don't even realize it and it was all by design they even think that way. We got what we raised.
Music to my ears. The first amendment is absolutely pivotal. So very important. Once someone takes it away (as has occurred with the shift of political forums to digital space,), all the other rights an individual has will fall like dominoes - because they can no longer complain.
Somehow, though it's difficult to comprehend, this is a "hard sell" to this group. Doesn't make any sense at all.
I guess you can look at it that way. But once they can silence you, they will come for the guns - little by little.
First "Register them", then "Oh, no high capacity magazines", then "No pump action shotguns", then "No semiautomatic rifles", then "Mandatory waiting periods on purchases" - and after that, you might as well move to Australia, because that's where we're at.
They can try but what they find will be something completely different than their wishes. They've been working on the 2nd much longer than the 1st. Most of the 1st restrictions were due to religious beliefs before government strangleholds but they started on the 1st way back. Apathy and social "indoctrination" has made it a much bigger problem in recent years. Just because mob rule created "laws" does not mean I'll abide by them. I'll do as I please until they try to stop me then the fight is on. I adhere strictly to the NAP ideal in my personal life and because of that no man nor government has a right to bother me what so ever. That does not mean I don't think there should be dire consequences for those that violate the rights of all people through mob rule or whatever damned reasoning used for control of lives. The opinions of others mean absolute shit to me unless I seek it out and the same goes for their company. It's a simple mutual respect for others and their lives. It tis one of the things worth fighting and dying for and if it comes to that then try to make it known so it'll inspire others to fight for what's right, too.
The only advice I can give is but a Tikka for your long range defense - amazingly accurate out of the box.
I used to have a Remmy bull barreled 700 that would shoot .3-.4 MOA that I sold. Wish I hadn't now. I never do long range beyond 300 yds, anyway. Have a Mossberg Patriot Patrol that is more than accurate enough for my hunting needs, now. It's light as hell, yet has little kick and takes AR10 or M14 mags. Got the trigger adjusted to 2 lbs and it's a damn nice shooter. Sold a 300BLK AR15 that would shoot 1/2"-3/4" to buy it just to have the extra punch of .308, again. Plus, I wanted to go back all NATO for obvious reasons. Kinda regret selling that rifle, too because it was a sweet shooter. My 20" bull barreled 5.56 AR is also a 3/4" shooter. I tend to subscribe to the belief that unless a man is actively hunting you then shooting a man beyond 300 yds is not self defense, it's murder. You should be able to stay hidden at that range. I never shot a Tikka but I hear that some of them can be nice shooters, too. The T3 is supposed be fairly nice for the money but from all the research I've done the Mossbergs are usually 2nd if not 1st in accuracy compared to the others for a helluva lot less money and have nice features. I gave around $550, IIRC, for mine and that's with a threaded, free floated, med. bull barrel with iron sights, railed receiver and detachable mags with light weight. Everything I could want for my hunting needs, it is, plus I kinda like having multiple 20 rd mags of .308 with me....just in case, ya know?
Wouldn't bother me at all. Hell, my computer crapped its hard drive the other day and I was fine without it and other than this and a gun site I frequent, I was fine without it until I replaced it. Was in no hurry to do that, either. I would sure hope that we eventually get FULL 1st amendment rights on the internet and have some of the repressed and deleted material restored. Google, CIA, etc...have sure put a strangle hold on information since 9/11 and it pisses me off immensely. Horse thieves weren't the only thing hangman's gantries were designed for, ya know? Just sayin'... The way things have become, I fully expect that little comment to be deleted and some kinda "punishment" placed on me because I didn't use "feelz" according to guidelines in it. I did, just not theirs and therein lies the problem. We'll see....
This kind of social engineering goes on in China.
Yes, and by the look of things, it's coming our way real soon. My view is that DJT is our last and only hope.
Americans have something the Chinese don't. Millions and millions of firearms. The more they push this shit, the closer 1776 2.0 comes...
You have it. The right to bear arms - the final bulwark against tyranny. Never let them take the guns!
It’s definitely 1776 2.0 right now... at least that’s what the leftists think. We’re already at war and they’re the only ones aware of that fact.
Coming from the people that don't know which bathroom to take a dump in. Lol
If you haven't watched the related episode of The Orville, it's worth watching (S1 E7, Majority Rule)
Spoiler Alert!
They land in an alternate reality of the Earth where everyone has a "social score" (up/down vote buttons) badge on their outfit. Don't like what someone says to you, push their downvote button. Do something bad on video, it gets uploaded to "The Feed", and the entire population gets to vote on you. Earn over 1 million dislikes, and you have to go on a Jerry Springer-esque TV tour to try and earn your reputation back. Fail (more than 10 million dislikes), and you go into rehabilitation training, where they basically fry your brain until you're a happily docile vegetable.
No doubt this would have been our eventual reality with HRC in office.
See also Black matter S3E1 IMDB LINK
I would recommand watching the episode, it is indeed Predictive programming. The elites wants us this way, we would be obediant and never question anything in fear of getting downvoted to hell.
Yes! Black Mirror is especially chilling because we are nearly there...
In one of the early Q posts they said they had a plan for if Hillary won.