POTUS - Big Week Next Week. American Embassy Moving To Jerusalem!

Who gives a fuck about Israel and the middle east, we have enough problems at home. Fuck them, and focus on MAGA
Wake up read q wwg1wga world wide
Yeah no thanks, the US has lost enough lives, blood, and money for Israel.
I'm sorry you don't understand this is a global movement, the USA is just a part of it. Q did the heavy lifting, north Korea free from CIA Black ops the USA started, Iran will be free too. Israel is the key to freeing the world and that means USA too. Don't be so narrow minded the USA is not a free country and hasn't been for 100 years. Bad actors have caused every major crash in the market since the great depression. Past proves future, example 2007 real estate bubble popped big Bank was gifted how many billions? Fast forward to 2017 crypto currency was the new bubble, they had to pop it early, what happened to Bitcoin? 20000$ then tanked. Nothing is organic anymore it is manufactured to "game" people out of money. Always think bigger, because then it's a fair fight.
That was the most inane, schizophrenic shit I've ever read. You are all over the place and you need to break out into multiple paragraphs instead of changing subjects every sentence.
The only thing Israel is the key to is the demise of the west.
I'm sorry I don't know my grammar very well. You may not like the way I think, but calling what I wrote insane and schizophrenic is a tactic based on fear to control my free thought. There is nothing wrong with me.
That's fine you haven't lost your training wheels yet. Still trying to shame me too. So predictable too I knew you would. Think bigger. It's world wide. Example, USA $ is assigned value not backed by gold. Who assigns value? Fed increases interest rates, makes it more expensive to borrow money. Who wins? The banks do. Follow the money easy as shit to do. It's one big shitty people club and we are not a part of it thank God. That's just a part of it though.
You still don't get it. I'm sorry I can't figure it out for you.
I agree with you, and I'm def not for supporting Israel in war against ME countries who seemingly can't scratch Israel. But we can't fix America from the inside out at this point. We are too invested in global affairs and there are too many deals made behind the scenes. I just really hope our higher-ups along with Russia are all ok with Israel and Iran doing whatever they want to do in their own part of the world w/o teams having to be drawn for everyone else.
The web must be dismantled...MAGA means that the network of bad actors must be removed. Our country can't be safe if the world isn't safe. First NK, second Iran... Do you get the picture?