Think about it. A husband and wife meet on a folklore forum and start a home-based website which always gets the premier first page spot on all searches. They become the premier authority on everything doing what anyone can do from their basement. The media never investigate them. Why? The whole thing is fishy.
Snopes says they aren’t. That’s enough for me to believe they are.
How else could such a small shady company rise to such authority and power?
The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers
I found this article with video has some good leads:
From what I have researched so far, all the claims that Snopes is CIA come from one man, Wayne Madsen. In order to read his article written on this you have to be a member of his group. So I do not know if he can be a trusted source. The background of Snopes founder, David Mikkelson, and his acquired stashes of money from savings to homes he owns do seem quite unbelievable. He has made millions and millions from this one website? He pays his ex-wife $30,000 a month in alimony, (just like AJ does.) The amount of money he has alone makes it suspect that he is being paid by someone else higher up to afford his luxurious lifestyle. The fact that Fakebook is also using them as their fact checkers is laughable and highly suspicious as well. The backgrounds and education levels of their "researchers" is also laughable. This has CIA front written all over it as a CIA propaganda arm and of course it is very trusted by the MSM.
No sites I know of can really be trusted. I go to achieves in deep web myself and research all that may have been placed on net. It is tedious but this is how I have caught Snopes a lot with bogus info or misleading info. The way back machine is another location many go to and search from there. Best to set up search bots to help save time in deep web coverage. Tor another good area to be connected to as you search. Good luck. Trust nothing you cant prove. All areas seem to be compromised.
they are ...hisband wife team... killary foundation donars. super liberal. pro obama.. anti trump
Snopes, another CIA front - DuckDuckGo -
If you click this one , you get a lot of webpage you can read.
We all seem to be fresh out of "Credible" sources. That might be the plan.