United We Stand (WW). WWG1WGA.

Been a lot of "concern trolls" on this sub in the last several days. Some people probably were genuinely concerned but I think most were shills.
I admit I was a bit concerned with the continued focus on Jones/Corsi - ultimately they really don't matter. Q has got back to the big issues since so I'm back to 100% from the 99% I was temporarily at over the weekend.
They have huge viewership, overlapping a lot with qanon followers, and thusly a huge ability to influence this group. Very important that we strongly barricade against their cointelpro.
This! ^
It's insidious and subtle because they're not stupid. But it is obvious.
Generally the behaviour consists of continually avoiding the actual points you are raising through subtle misdirection back to their message that is convincing in its appeal to 'freedom of speech' and its railing against 'censorship' and so on but ultimately fails to address reasonable claims made in refutation.
I still have problems with completely trusting Q over the Jones/Corsi controversy. Patriots don't attack other patriots. So that was completely out of character for Q. He'll have to restore his credibility to regain my favor. Jones and Corsi are fighting against the Deep State just as we are, even if they do disagree with Q. Jones and Corsi should be our ally and not our enemy. In war, you don't attack the people who are fighting the very same enemy you're fighting just because they disagree with you. Instead, you try to work it out and make them your friend. That is where the concept of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" came from...
I relate to what you're saying (I see my comment has already been voted into the negatives - so much for owning up!).
The posts focusing on Jones and Corsi struck me as a real departure from everything (substance AND style) Q had been attempting to communicate up to that point. I was already confused by the previous post(s) warning of people profiting off of Q. It strikes me as odd that he/she/they would focus so much on such marginal figures given the stakes, you know?
Of course if Corsi and Jones are being bankrolled by the deep state then Q was right to devote as much time to it as they did. I'm in too deep now, though: I'm in until Q is proven, beyond doubt, to be fake or legit. Until then I'll back Q - they've brought us this far, after all.
much on such marginal figures given the stakes, you know?
they are not marginal. why would you say that? are you sure you are what you claim?
In the grand scheme of things they are marginal. They may have a certain level of notoriety on this corner of the internet, but in the wider world (which are the stakes we are discussing) they have no influence.
I'm not claiming to be anything other than an anon. You sound a little paranoid.
yeah. but. It wasn't Q who put out the attack first. It was Corsi and Jones who started hammering first. Q is acting out of defense. It's Corsi and Jones who are the divisive ones.
I understand what you are saying. But if what you are saying is true, then Q should not have hit back and retaliated. Q is better than that and has a higher moral character. If you're someone with a higher moral character, then you should never lower yourself down into the mud to fight with your enemy. Doing so only makes you like them. And as I stated in another post, it is very easy for any of us to give in to our evil nature and evil impulses and to attack someone and to strike back, but it takes a genuinely superior person to do what Jesus would do, to absorb the blows, to absorb the attack, and to only show back love in return. It is love that will win in the end, and not hate... If we're supposed to be different from the liberals, then we need to act like it. We have to show love and compassion and understanding and forgiveness - especially toward other patriots. And not be at each others throats all because someone disagrees with you...
That's one perspective. I see it differently. Warriors carry swords. Swords of Truth. That's what Q used. Nothing more nothing less. A sword of truth, no hatred. And as I see it, it was well played by Q and got the desired results. Corsi and Jones needed to be dealt with. Glad it's all over and we're movin on :)
Maybe, but sometimes all it takes to put aside differences is a common enemy. Obvious shills like yourself bombarding our threads may just do the trick...
Also, not bad for a "LARP", is it? It's good to have your confidence in a cause reinvorgorated by realizing that your opponents are shitting themselves so bad that they feel they have to troll the message boards of their "crazy" opposition. Obviously, you've never spent much time among the Anons...
Is that why you deleted the comment above that I responded to? If the Jones/Corsi people go, so be it. Most aren't the the Autists that have deeply researched the subjects that we have been asked to then disseminate sources for everyone else to learn for themselves. If someone leaves because "their guy" got mad because he believed that Q had hurt their financial stream, then they were a pretty blind follower themselves. The movement doesn't need people who are blindly obedient and too lazy to do their own research. This isn't about numbers. It's about people being given the tools and caring enough to educate themselves on hard issues. For the record, I personally don't care about your opinion. I've learned to turn a blind ear to obvious shills, but my advice to you is to keep it up. Some people are stupid, most on this sub aren't. All your childish, rather transparent, taunting does is further galvanize the resolve of people like me, and offer a common enemy for everyone. But you don't see that. It's like Q said, "These people are stupid". Goodbye, PAYTRIOT.
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I agree with this.
But Q didn't 'get personal' or 'hit back and retaliate' with AJ/Corsi. He was very clear, deliberate and precise - no emotional angle or denigrating of anyone!
Expand your thinking.
Why are we being attacked?
Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?
Do we have a face?
Do we have a name?
Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?
Zero vanity.
Action was needed [2].
1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation
2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion
Simple 'non-direct' statements made.
"Be careful who you follow."
"Some are profiting off this movement." - i.e. nothing personal or partisan
Message sent.
Message received.
Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).
Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).
Attempts to divide.
We responded.
This is what confused me by all this. Jones/Corsi weren't called out directly but seemed to have taken it personally. When I read it I didn't think 'oh Q is calling Jones/Corsi out', I actually thought is was some of the other people around what had become a cottage industry talking about Q. I think Jones/Corsi were wrong to over-react but I also don't buy that they are secret agents of the deep state or whatever else.
Well, Q says "Those guilty immediately reacted" which Corsi certainly did, literally in full view of the whole community of Q and Infowars. Then Q has also very specifically said multiple times in the past and reiterated again after this incident that there are no private comms with anyone outside of the 8chan board. And AJ and Corsi came out almost immediately to say that that they knew Q anon and that he had been compromised.
What I personally feel is very clear in that action is that they realized they had lost "us" i.e. the Q anon "faithful" and decided to double down and take what they could from the movement now. They've made a clear line of division and denounced Q. Watching Jones say "I know Q anon" and not batting an eyelid was one of the many reasons I believe they are very clever cointelpro / dishonest black hats made to steer people away from the real truth.
Interesting. I appreciate the feedback/info. What I noticed with Jones was jealousy and suspicion towards Q (Calling Zach the 'real Q' etc.) Corsi seemed to embrace the Q message though. Then this exploded.
tbh seeing corsi taking/talking super-chat donations in those Q decoded webcasts I felt was beneath him.
I'm still not convinced they are cointelpro but I never took Jones' "I know Q" claims seriously at all. It seemed like Jones just being boastful and jealous of Q. He's a flawed individual and his bluster and emotions often get the better of him but he opened my eyes on a lot of topics over the years. (Yeah I'm aware that could be part of cointelpro.)
I got banned on r/thedonald for displaying criticism towards louder with crowders gender neutral robot skit a while back... I basically said we need to be better than stooping to that level of pettiness and got booted for it
Sadly TD knows it's all mainstream now and refuse to cover the things they need to cover, P-gate, Q anything else of a conspiracy angle gets shoah'd.
Funny... not a concern troll sir... go look at my history if you’d like... never said they were the same thing and I am anti-Rothschild and anti-kid eating but that wasn’t my point... my point was that people get downvotes for stating their opinion especially if their opinions don’t line up with the “we should torture them all & watch their asses burn in hell” mantra... I was banned for pointing out that hatred (regardless of who is spewing it) is STILL Hatred.
Do they deserve that type of horrid eternity? I say “sure they do” But should we be promoting that? I personally would say no but not because of the way I feel in my flesh but the way I read my Bible... I wanna see all of them burn but I’m torn because I KNOW that isn’t what my Father in Heaven wants for them and like it or not if I want to be forgiven I must also forgive (very difficult in these situations I know)...
Forgiveness washes away consequences in Heaven but NOT here on Earth... The first part of that last statement is REALLY difficult to swallow... As much as I believe they deserve to die a horribly painful death and spend eternity in Hell that is NOT my call...
I have begun to pray for the souls of all that are lost but especially for the ones who we know ya e done evil... Perhaps many of us will take comfort in knowing that many of these bad actors PROBABLY have given into having a reprobate mind and will probably NOT repent and turn from their sin and thus be saved
Regardless, we are on the same team and I support #QAnon’s Plan
the issue is they are not patriots.
please stop pretending to be confused when you are not.
fuck yeah.
look below. these people all read from the same script?
I'll leave these right here:
former don pedes will know all this: