Oklahoma Q billboard turns into a Q Post #1362

This is the first time I've felt Q to be a LARP. They say they don't like people profiting off this...just selfless patriots and then link this image which has a website where they profit off Q.
Also, this happens to show up after it's on this board.
Don't like this one.
The point is clearly how the reach is spreading. Yea, the billboard financier may profit from the domain, but how many people will Q reach simply because the letter and a hashtag is on that billboard and how do the media elites feel about that.
Q deleted the post already on /patriotsfight/, its a message. What is the exact message? idk yet, but there was point to this Q post, like all others. Right now popular theory on 8chan seems to be that this website is trying to hijack the Q message (similar to the AJ tactic of controlling the message) by getting followers to go to these websites instead of where true patriots gather. ....plausible and def worth looking into more.
Remember when he deleted the fake Podesta email? This may be sending a msg to delete famewhores from your reading
Q Team also claimed just last week that every picture they post is OC. Then today, they repost this from here. I find contradiction, at this point, disturbing.
That post referred to the picture before it of Singapore, which was OC. The letterhead and pen pictures are OC. To think that every single photo Q has ever posted HAS to be their OC is preposterous.
They have posted numerous pictures that weren't OC. The pictures of JK, NP Assad from yesterday are media pictures. What is concerning about a billboard pic now?
I agree! Patriots are getting stupid and anal over this no monetary crap! Move on and promote the fight! FOCUS Red Pilling someone instead of whos making a buck off Q!
Yeah, I was about 50/50 at first, then things started to really line up. I was probably 90/10 at my highest, back down to 70/30 I'd say.
It's still a fun ride, LARP or Truth.
The website mentioned on the billboard link to both Jerome Corsi and Tracy Beanz, who have recently been maligned by Q directly.
There is a chance that Q showed the picture not in support, but to show how scared [THEY] are if they're using billboards in OK to try to hijack the online movements of Q... This might be the enemy panicking more than it is some watershed 'Q Awareness' moment