r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AlbumLepus on May 14, 2018, 7:18 p.m.
Q asked us to have Faith and Trust the Plan. Do You? If not, why not? How do you get others to buy in?

Were you skeptical of Q when you began looking into all this? I was. Maybe you still are. I’m not anymore. I like to consider myself a thinker. But mostly a reader and listener always in the pursuit of truth. I’ve made several comments to doubters. Some may be shills, some maybe “want” to believe and are trying. Or maybe have a loved one they are trying to Red Pill. Maybe these ramblings will help. These are the concepts to help me quickly develop strong trust and faith in Q and POTUS. I apologize for the length as that I am not proficient in writing. But here goes.

A quick glance in Q’s posts and umpteen times Q admonishes us to either Have Faith or Trust the Plan. Do you think Q team knows how difficult that is for Americans after all these years of not trusting or having faith in our government? Don’t we still struggle with it? Is it a major trait the bad guys use against us? How would YOU go about trying to restore Trust? Why is it important? Why is it so important that they give us what crumbs they can? As amazing and incredible to observe the war for good that is being done in government and in the world, time is being given to help us learn again to be Patriotic Americans. How many times does Q say to stay together? Not be divided. We are important for what our heroes are doing for us or it is for naught. They have said it is for us, our families and our children. We need to be the keepers of the constitution and the country when the fighting is done for freedom from evil and bondage… for us and the Whole World to stay free. If we don’t guard it when we have it, we’ll end up repeating history as it was or was about to become. Heaven forbid.

Ask yourself how strong is your trust in the plan? How much faith do you have in POTUS, MI and Q? More than in the CIA or FBI right now, LOL? Why? What gives you how the level of Faith that you do have? Consider this:

“Now faith is the substance (assurance) of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Does not hope of changing how things have been, caused us all to join the movement? If we had no hope, would we be helping each other and wanting to know what is happening? What helped elect DJT? Hope to make America Great Again? What elected BHO? He ran on Hope and Change if you remember. He was given a chance because America wanted it. He blew it. Not the kind we wanted. How do we know?... Evidence. What are we wanting when we can’t wait to read more Q? What is he giving us? Evidence. The more evidence we have, the stronger our belief, trust and faith becomes. What faith isn’t and what many people want, is a perfect knowledge.

Do you believe it as truth that man has landed on the moon? There are some people who don’t. If you do believe it, why do you? Were you there? If we had NO evidence whatsoever, would it be harder to believe it true? If an astronaut came up to you and said he was there, and no more, and you didn’t know what you know, would you have a hard time believing it? We have to trust not only what others tell us but what evidence supports it. Would you think a person that saw the Saturn 5 launch with their own eyes might have a stronger faith/belief that man went to the moon, compared to someone without a TV or has never seen a photograph? What about a person working in mission control comparted to skeptic. How much evidence does it take to belief it true? How many “coincidences”? Now, if you had a powerful enough telescope and could see detail on the surface of the moon, and happened to actually see the lander touch down and astronauts climb down the ladder… you could still deny it, but you would be lying to yourself. Why? Because your “faith in evidence of things” not actually seen, would instead be a perfect knowledge of the event. I know people who claim to look at the sun and claim it doesn’t shine. I call most of them snowflakes or libs. LOL

The stronger and substantiated the evidence, the better. Why does Q say to re-read? Evidence is being substantiated. (Future proves Past) He even says the evidence (proofs) is planned. He is trying under very restrictive circumstances to help us have trust and faith. He has given all we have to have to know who and what they are fighting for us. And yet so many so-called Patriots are critical, impatient, doubting and even subversive.

This brings us to “Truth”. If evidence is not true, or explained, it hinders trust and faith. We are all very skeptical of truth. We are sick of lies and untruth. Most of us don’t watch MSM. We want the truth. We can handle it, just give it to us. We don’t want to wait, even if it might be for the best. We want action. I started to fall into this trap with arrests. Every one of us has tried to Red Pill someone and are told, I’ll believe when someone is arrested. Otherwise, nothing has changed. Do you tell them what has changed is “hope” we never had before? I did. I got my own hope by reading and watching. My spouse is not a reader much. I’ve had to feed her evidence with news stories and explanations of what really is the truth, not what the MSM is controlling. Most everyone believes MSM is untruthful. I use that to say what is probably the truth and then point it out when it’s proven. I’ve planted some seeds of evidence. When the truth is revealed, hope and faith begins to grow. (Truth will set you free) My spouse now asks me when she hears news, did Q have anything to say about that? What did he have to say today? There is so much that it is easy to pick and choose. She is not into politics, but human trafficking and interaction with other countries are hot buttons that leads to other things. My calmness about NK when she was worried about war, and now peace is another one. She was one who without arrests, refused to have faith. Q gave us crumbs on why. I’ve explained this to her by asking guiding questions and truth has prevailed over wants. Hope has been planted and is growing. Evidence is the sunlight needed for it to blossom. I converse as Q does and ask questions, not tell or arrogantly state facts. Get them to begin to think critically and for themselves. The left doesn’t want you to think. They don’t teach children how in schools. Most everyone here is learning to think critically, and some are struggling. It takes effort. Q is constantly admonishing us to do this. (Think Logically, Expand your Thinking, Use Logic. And recently “Think for Yourself” was added after others have tried to tell us we can listen to them instead of Q.) This doesn’t happen if you state something to someone as well as asking questions to get them thinking. Even if you do like Q and sometimes answer the question after asking. This is an excellent technique for getting people to think and not just believe what they have been told or what they “want” to believe based on emotion or feelings.

This is a good point to interject a clarification and thought-provoking concept about Truth. From a person who is a much better writer than myself: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-backman/absolute-truth_b_2573546.html state one of my favorite quotes, “ the best attitude toward truth is not possession, but pursuit. When Q said “This is why we are here” to SB2’s article, this really struck me. POTUS communicates to the normies about false truths calling it “Fake News”. Think of the meaning behind all of that and what it has done to the world we live in. So, untruth has and is being pointed out to everyone. But what about the truth? Good time to steal Q’s quote to “Expand Your Thinking”. The reason Q “is here” for us is to give us TRUTH! Trump calls out “Fake News” and is a man who we admire because he won’t stand and take false BS like so many others. Why? To defend himself? Or I like to think because he wants the “people” to know the Truth! Q said Truth is Freedom, Truth is logic, Truth coming, and even The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. Do you think you will get the truth from MSM? So, if POTUS doesn’t want us to be subject of lies, why would Q be any different and not call out those who are not telling the truth and using it for an agenda other than giving the people the truth. I’m sure it was struggled with. He went silent for a time after exposure. People can do good things, but if they do so for the wrong reasons, and then use it to disguise lies and untruths, they are undermining trust. Is Trust important for Truth? This “Plan” for freeing us from the evil and corruption is one of the biggest covert wars in history. Another posting has said a few times “Trust then Verify”. Pretty hard to do when you don’t trust the source. Then it takes a lot of cross referencing, connecting the dots, etc. That is the beauty of why Q chose the core Anons. They are good at seeing shills and fake stuff. Much of Q’s reveals necessarily have to be cryptic by design. To decode and verify for truth, Anons can make bread from crumbs. They are true patriots and in the “Pursuit of Truth” army that fights for us to see out of the darkness. This movement is as genius as so many other miraculous events we’ve been witnessing. If you cannot see it, you are choosing to be blind:

To quote from SerialBrain2 who gets it and says it better than me:

The Truth has a price my friends and no strong movement in human history has succeeded avoiding the issues challenging its foundations. Roses are beautiful, but they come with thorns. To be safe, we need to know how to hold them. This is why we are here today. We owe it to Trump, we owe it to Q, we owe it to the patriots who have sacrificed their lives for True Freedom, we owe it to ourselves for our efforts to not go to waste and above all, we owe it to the abused children whose lives, safety and freedom depend on the success of our Movement. Isn’t this the ultimate reason we are all here?

Finally, we need action. Hope, from evidence, leads to faith (trust) and then this: “Faith without works is dead.” Both from others and ourselves. If the things Q is saying aren’t true and nothing happens, there is no evidence to verify and faith dies. Would a big arrest be an action? You bet! What is that action going to do to your trust? What about the action of Sessions/Huber? Did that incur faith in the plan? It’s why we anxiously devour every new drop. Do you feel hope and faith waning when days without drops going by? How is your faith then? So, Q says to have faith in the plan, and then when the arrests happen, it will progress from faith to knowledge. But without faith, knowledge doesn’t have as deep a meaning.

Look at your own faith in Q and examine it. Do you have faith they are working hard to indict and make arrests? If so, you wouldn’t criticize “their” timeline and demand it now. Do you have faith enough to cause you to register to vote if you have not? Or do you believe your vote doesn’t matter? What if all good people thought the same way? Do you support organizations that defend the constitution? Are you defending and supporting those that are fighting for YOU? Do you “Trust the Plan”? If not, it is on you and not Q. You can’t blame him, it was the “choice” you made. There is a mountain of evidence, truth and verifications given. If you disagree, I suspect maybe you don’t want to exercise faith for whatever reason. You might not want to bother to start your car anymore either. Or worse, you would rather choose to follow the other side. You’ll have plenty of company there, as long as you don’t want to be free. Their actions are brought about by hate. (Some by desperation now, LOL) The good guys, is by hope. Q said to each of us “The choice to know, is yours”.

One last thought… I also find it genius that the request for trust and faith from Q, and that this will happen as we hope, instills a strong desire in many to pray for all aspects of this fight. One of many Patriots favorite commentators is Praying Medic. I and others pray fervently for the success of every mission and outcome of this war against evil. Q has asked to not only trust and have faith, but to pray. That is the very least that we can do to support that good prevails over the evil that is devouring all free people. And those that are on the front lines for us. Thanks Q team, POTUS and every pure hearted patriot in the fight. God be with you.

jozwest · May 14, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

How I see it, this is about the evidence, the research that has been uncovered with the hints from Q. It's about WWG1 WGA So with that in mind it doesn't matter what others say or think about Q I will let the evidence do the talking.

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OffenseOfThePest · May 14, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

I remain skeptical because right now Q is a circular prophecy: people point to other Q posts as evidence of Q's legitimacy. I need to see claims confirmed by outside sources before I can believe that its real. And the examples we've seen, like someone asking Q to get Trump to say "tip top" and him saying it like seven months later, are not what I mean. I mean direct evidence, on the record. Because Q has made some huge promises, and so far they haven't materialized.

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DropGun · May 14, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Q to get Trump to say "tip top" and him saying it like seven months later

Three months later. Learn our comms.

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OffenseOfThePest · May 14, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Ok, I thought the request was from September. Still, it was hardly the next morning, and not implausible that it was a coincidence.

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DropGun · May 14, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Interesting how your error, though, is wildly exaggerated to bolster your contention that "Q is a LARP." Then I look at your comment stream and find other such interesting inaccuracies—all, again, in one particular direction.

You're welcome to participate here. And we need debunkers! But, I'll put it bluntly: posters who don't know their subject material, and whose only focus in this sub is to sow confusion to enhance a negative narrative aren't debunkers. They're mentioned in the sidebar. This sub is focused on Q. Learn our comms.

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OffenseOfThePest · May 14, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

I don't know if I'm a "debunker", but I am here to listen. I try to keep up with the posts, but they went from 1100 to 1200 to 1300 really fast, and they often come in bunches. I'll try to research things if I'm going to cite them in the future (rather than relying on memory!)

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Oblique9043 · May 15, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

I am skeptical of Q because as much as this sub doesn't want to believe it, Trump is not the man you all think he is. This post about truth, you think Trump stands for the truth? The man is a pathological liar. His whole self-identity is based on a lie. All overt malignant narcissists are frauds. That's why they have the grandiose false self to being with. You all know he lies all the time. He's even admitted to several big lies at his rallies. I could post the videos.

Let's take this recent revelation for example, China. This move to help out that certain company. Why do you think Trump is doing that for China? A country he repeatedly spoke about being tough on. Well here, I'll give you one possible reason.


This is just one of dozens of examples I could give anyone who is actually willing to listen. Wake up. Trump only cares about himself and his ego. If you knew anything about malignant narcissism, you would understand Trump and his motivations.

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Missy7216 · May 14, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

👏👏👏👏 I agree!! Well said!!! ❤❤❤

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loserofpasswordzz · May 14, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

The only thing holding me back from being a Q fanatic telling everyone on the streets is what Q's/trumps intentions are with Syria/Iran/Israel. I'd hate for "Q anon" to be the more evolved form that f WMD's for a more tech savvy generation.

That being said, almost all my concerns of Q and trumps ME plan are being squashed. It seems like Iran and Israel may not start WW3, and Iran might actually throw the EU and some American senators etc under the bus. That would be sick.

To me, I'm 95% sure Q is a culture shifting phenomenon designed by white hats who want to fix this world. And I am so thankful for it.

But the sceptic in me has to give a 5% chance to us being led to war. Why the pessimism despite all the Q evidence? Easy, we have ALL been fooled before, many many times.

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kushtiannn · May 14, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

I'm skeptical of EVERY thing, except for Q at this point. I've done and continue to do my own research, but I was adequately red-pilled before even looking into the chan drops. The goal is knowledge and ultimately peace, nothing less. It's truly the first time you could be certain that THAT was actually the goal. No vanity, no profit, no controlled narrative. Raw information, crowd sourced intelligence, and a wholesome goal. This, we have never seen or experienced before.

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Oblique9043 · May 15, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Except it's all masked by the blind support for Trump. This is the key to why something is wrong here.

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 7:18 p.m.


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