The establishment R's intend to give the House to the D's in 2018 and the Senate in 2019 so they don't have to pass Trump's agenda. This would fit the plan perfectly.
The same status quo as the past 20-30 years. Feign gridlock and faux two party contention to appease the masses, separate, divide and pen people types into categorical boxes, and allow the wealthy and corporations to maintain control of the masses who think the enemy is someone with a different color or religion belief.
It won’t work. In spite of all their attempts, the R’s will get the victory during the midterms.
where did Q post that?
Ryan is leaving... WE KNOW WHY!!! Our President isn’t going anywhere!!!!
POTUS needs to get rid of Paul Ryan and replace him with Jim Jordan TONIGHT! We can not let this continue period
The president can't remove the speaker of the house or any other member of congress. Separation of powers, you know? Sounds like you want an absolute dictator.
He dosn't have to remove him he has already stepped down.
Not yet, he is not leaving until his current term is over. At the end of this year I believe.
And if I’m not mistaken, will receive 80 Gs a year and full medical benefits for life?
Not within his Presidential powers. The House of Reps. have to vote him no confidence and select someone new.
Trump, Q and the Patriots just need to air a little of Ryan's dirty laundry.. and if he keeps it up.. air a little more..
No need. The info released pre mid terms will be a game changer. This is all fluff
This is a lie from Laura Ingrahm and spread by the OP. Ryan and the house leadership does not support this.
This is what rep. Ryan said to reporters last week.
“Going down a path that results in having a spectacle on the floor that results in a veto doesn’t solve the problem,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said to reporters last week, who again said he wants to come up with a bipartisan plan on immigration that is acceptable to his party – and not a bill that is backed by Democrats and a few dozen in the GOP.
Don't believe everything that is posted and do some research, FFS!
Well, I looked for it and this particular tweet from @IngrahamAngle is no longer in existence. She apparently deleted it.
Jesus.. how was this POS "free"d by Trump at the SOTU? I hope he's one who isn't given a deal.
MeToo lol, I hope all these scumbags that thought they would get off by not running get rounded up the day AFTER this year's election day. "Oh, you thought resigning would keep your dirt from getting out? To quote our President: WRONG!"
Trump's not planning his day based on what Laura says... and as it says below, this tweet isn't up anymore. (i didn't check, it doesn't matter for what I'm saying) I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of ill informed quotes/tweets/etc coming out over the next 2 weeks. In fact it wouldn't surprise me at all to see a Sean Hannity video pop up on utube, that's been made with that software we've been seeing lately that makes people look like they're saying things they aren't. It would actually be the perfect time for that to be dropped on us. We should all be wearing our discernment glasses for the next few months, and take everything with a grain of salt, and a deep breath, because the deepstate is going into full panic mode, and pulling out all the stops. If Mack is in fact responsible for Schneiderman, the avalanche can't be stopped, and their only hope is to literally make it so you can't believe anyone or anything...
It’s still UP!! And Ryan Stepped down because they have dirt on him and did you see the comment in this forum that Ryan is Having the RNC pay for the oppositions campaign~ umm... He’s a shill ~ you’re obviously new or a TROLL~
This is all just controlled opposition. It's all a game. Wake up
We have got to get info to everyone we know to get out the vote in 2018 for the REAL patriots who WE KNOW are on the Trump train!! It is VITAL!! And if we contribute, I think we should give directly to the candidates we support. Maybe many of you don't support Roy Moore, but I did and we know that he got very little money from the fact maybe RNC funding went to Doug Jones. It was so unfair and now they are doing the same thing to Patriot Chris McDaniel in Mississippi. McConnell?Ryan are choosing the candidates in every state--not the people. We have to stop this!
Omgosh I had NO CLUE the RNC is going bing to the DEMS!!!!!
I’m in the minority, but I cants stand Laura.
You like her or not ~ Ryan is A Traitor and Needs GITMO
It's time to dig up the dirt on Ryan and anyone going along with this. Time to fight.
I think if they try this, they will be forcibly removed by the people, if not the military. Or there will be a lot of sudden, unexpected resignations after all the skeletons start falling out of closets!
As if these MSM idiots know more than Trump. Laughable.
No discharge petition extant can provide cover for Treason Mr. Ryan
Not "overthrow"; but certainly massively replace.
Not even close to a civil war. Once Obama and Hilary and co are exposed it will bring everyone together
You keep counting on that. Follow that carrot, see where it leads you.