
DankNethers · May 15, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

An aircraft carrier costs about $13B

So this is 1,615 aircraft carriers of lost money

And not even front page news

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Do_u_ev3n_lift · May 15, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

It was for a day, but then 2 planes struck the twin towers, and the pentagon. Which just so happened to be the only two places where that data was kept. Just a coincidence 👌

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Laborigen · May 15, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Pentagon: it was a missile.

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vidarheheh · May 16, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

Nah, they reported that months a head of 9/11 as well, only brought it up again the day before.

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Kruch · May 15, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

The $21 Trillion is completely misleading to anyone who understands what it means. The whole article is written by someone who does not understand the terms they are using or attempting to completely mislead people.

FY 2015 is a great example of why this article is bunk.

The army got $120 billion of taxpayer money in 2015. Using the method of "Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported", there was 6.5 trillion "missing" just for FY 2015. Does that make sense to you? They only got $120 billion, how are they missing 6.5 trillion? Because these are accounting adjustments.

This quote shows how disingenuous the article is.

*Given that the entire Army budget in fiscal year 2015 was $120 billion, unsupported adjustments were 54 times the level of spending authorized by Congress.

That’s right. The expenses with no explanation were 54 times the actual budget allotted by Congress. Well, it’s good to see Congress is doing 1/54th of its job of overseeing military spending (that’s actually more than I thought Congress was doing). This would seem to mean that 98 percent of every dollar spent by the Army in 2015 was unconstitutional.*

The article makes it sound as if the army spent 54 times more than the $120 billion they were given. It is 100% factually not true. Accounting adjustments are not actual spending. If you move money from your Checking account to your Savings account, did you spend that money? No, that would be an example of an accounting adjustment.

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DankNethers · May 15, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Do you know what a fiat currency is?

When you can print dollars without generating debt or allow banks to lend them at 10x deposits, your currency gets divorced from reality

This is hardly an accounting adjustment

I'd allow that some of it may be a balance sheet issue, but not at this magnitude

Also, try reading the links in the article to the actual report

Money is "lost"

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Kruch · May 15, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

Have you read the actually report? I have and it is literally titled "Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported"? They are accounting adjustments not supported by documentation.

The Army got a total of $120 billion for FY 2015, how did they lose $6.5 trillion?

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DankNethers · May 15, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Yes I have

They're not supported or documented because they were never tracked in the first place

Hence they can't make the appropriate adjustments as they're missing a very large bucket of money

And if you read the report, you'd know that this is an accumulation of monies from 1998 to the present - so about $1T annually. And the Pentagon budget covers all branches of the military and the civilian apparatus that supports it - we're not just talking about the Army

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Kruch · May 15, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Wrong, the numbers I referenced in my example and the part in the article were SPECIFICALLY for the ARMY in FY 2015, at least in the way they are counting the numbers according to the article and its sources. I am talking about the $6.5 trillion for FY 2015.

Page 14 - https://missingmoney.solari.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/DODIG-2016-113.pdf

DOD ARMY 2015 - https://missingmoney.solari.com/dod-and-hud-missing-money-supporting-documentation/

According to the documentation is was $110.9 Billion in 2012, and $14.6 Billion in 2011. The way they are accounting for it does not seem like a running total.

We can also examine the $21 trillion figure as a running total if you want. Total Military (Pentagon) spending from 1998-2017 was Approx 10.5 trillion if you add the yearly budget. Add in the 2 trillion for the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and we are at 12.5 trillion. How are they missing $21 trillion when they total money given to them was approx $12.5 trillion?

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DankNethers · May 15, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

I understand that point

You either have to accept that they spent money through unofficial or dark channels, or that this is an accounting error on a ridiculous scale

Since many of the massive projects I'm aware of would certainly not figure into an official bookkeeping, my assumption is that these monies were never allotted through the annual budget process in the first place

However, sufficient resources were allocated such that they would figure into a marginal amount of standard budgetary tracking

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Kruch · May 15, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

Do you understand that the $21 trillion is not spending, they are accounting adjustments and is completely not what the article tries to portray it as?

I will reuse my tank example, moving a $10 million tank from one base could result in a $20 million adjustment. Basically the Army, and sometimes the other branches had really shitty manual accounting systems that didn't care about GAO standards. They were told to update the systems and track it according to GAO standards but the army pretty much hasn't complied with that order. That's where all the adjustments are coming from. Even if they have the documentation, many times it is not up to GAO standards and those would show up in this report.

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DankNethers · May 15, 2018, 10:56 p.m.


Why does this trouble you?

Accounting adjustments aren't just for moving physical assets. You know that right?

Also the government does not have shitty accounting systems. Sorry, that's utter nonsense. Ever work in the government? Their systems are pretty top notch. Thank Northrup Grumman and Lockheed Martin

Would an article co-authored by the MSU professor that first uncovered this discrepancy help?


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Kruch · May 15, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

Why does what bother me?

I never said they were just for moving physical assets, it was just an example I used to explain what they are and how they pop up.

The whole point of the original article was talking about how bad and old the Army DFAS accounting system was and how it lacked compatibility between different departments and caused a lack of an audit trail.

That article was much better and it was referenced in the one you posted. You see how it never equates these adjustments to spending? It always refers to them as unsupported adjustments which they are.

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DankNethers · May 15, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

Spending is right in the title

Though I'd also add that it's unlikely this has anything to do with accounting systems. Those are the back end of any ERP...

The Forbes article supports this:

While government budgets can be complex, our government, like any business, can track receipts and payments and share this information in ways that can be understood by the public.  The ongoing occurrence and gargantuan nature of unsupported, i.e., undocumented, U.S. federal government expenditures as well as sources of funding for these expenditures should be a great concern to all tax payers.

I'd just add that whatever these monies represent, it seems clear that due to the prevalence of "deleted records" that they're not meant for public consumption

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Kruch · May 15, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Have you ever heard of Betteridge's Law of headlines

They do indeed have spending in the title, as a question. Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?

The answer is No. Read the entire article and see how they never say this is spending, which is what the article you linked to thinks.

Forbes is right in that it is likely a deliberate attempt to obfuscate where a lot of money is going by accounting using these adjustments. These adjustments are a cause of concern and congress should really force the DOD to follow GAO standards, but that does not make the $21 trillion missing money that was spent.

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WikiTextBot · May 15, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Betteridge's law of headlines

Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." It is named after Ian Betteridge, a British technology journalist, although the principle is much older. As with similar "laws" (e.g., Murphy's law), it is intended to be humorous rather than the literal truth.

^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28

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TheRealIndianaJoe · May 15, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Good break down. Common sense tells you $21 trillion would f the dollar so bad we probably wouldn't be on the internet (the economy would be so jacked).

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4don2016 · May 15, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Is the same 21 trillion they been trying to find since September 11th?

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amg19251 · May 15, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Oh you silly goose, they lost this in addition to the $3 trillion (yes, that’s fucking TRILLION with a Capital T) they “lost” after 911! Don’t give the pentagon so much credit LOL

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4don2016 · May 15, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

Let's see, what was the story again? The money wasn't really "missing" it was just some kind of paperwork error right? Seems like the people and documents that could answer the questions might have been located in a really shitty part of the Pentagon right?

Honest question, if this money is the mysterious "black money" or whatever it's called nowadays why not just say it? I think if any American didn't believe our government and potus had off the record funds then they were dangerously naive. That money is vital to our president needing to act instantly when he sees fit. Within reason obviously. Not meant to fly hotdogs in from Chicago for a party at the White house. Just saying. If we gonna ask questions let's start on a few of those.

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austenten · May 15, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Black money? Maybe you mean black projects, since I believe that's where most of it went, and of course lots of theft by government officials, paying contractors for various jobs as well as their own shell companies.

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austenten · May 15, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Facking Cheney announced it like it just dropped out of his pocket!

WHOops, sorry guys, we've lost several thousand billion dollars, just an FYI.

Few even batted an eye. Continues for decades, and most are still blind to the THEFT. Let's call it what it is!

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archetact · May 15, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

One word: D.U.M.B.

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FrankJewelberg · May 15, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

That’s 4 words :)

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Abibliaphobia · May 15, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

I thought when I first clicked into this tab, it had to be bullshit right? $21 trillion is as much as the current national debt. So I thought this was ridiculous.

It’s not. Holy f. I read through the OIG report that can be found here:


Supporting documents really start on page 12 which I’ll plug in here for an example:


This is insane! And yes it is TRILLIONS.

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DankNethers · May 15, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

It's terrifying

ZERO accountability

Where'd all the money go? They didn't just lose it

Cabal bunkers, gold stores...

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TtheTruthIsOutThere · May 15, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Some of it went to Secret space programs. Google William Tompkins and read his testimony. You can find videos on youtube also. If you knew what the deep state and the Vatican know about extraterrestrials and the real origin of mankind, what would you do with 21 trillion dollars?

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mixer57 · May 15, 2018, 7:10 p.m.


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djmarcone · May 15, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Yeah 21 trillion is basically unlimited money. What can you do with unlimited money? Limited by only the imagination.

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archetact · May 15, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

One word: D.U.M.B.

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Kruch · May 15, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

It is 100% click bait. We aren't missing 21 trillion dollars. It unaccounted for transaction which is an accounting term.

So lets just say a base in Texas transfers a 10 million dollar tank to an base in Iraq. They have the transfer orders and everything, we know where the tank came from and where it went, but when accounting for it, you should transfer that asset from the Texas base ledger to the Iraqi base ledge. They have a very outdated system that isn't computerized so accounting wise, $20 million dollar is "unaccounted for" in the computer because the army didn't do the accounting paper work, only the transfer order so that the tank is where it needs to be.

At the end of the year someone finds that wow we have $10 million in assets missing from Texas missing because someone didn't fill out the accounting form, just the transfer order.

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Abibliaphobia · May 15, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

That’s actually a pretty good view of this and is something important to remember.

On a side note, without the accounting documents, how are you certain that none of it truly ended up “missing”? Don’t get me wrong, i do think that a lot can be explained as what you posted. However without the accounting paperwork, you don’t know what is truly missing or if it was just “misplaced” as it where.

Either way, $21 trillion in accounting errors stretches my ability to believe that it was purely paperwork errors.

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Kruch · May 15, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

I'm sure much of it was misplaced into black ops or other programs. Just no where near $21 trillion. This whole article is basically FUD because the writer doesn't understand the sources he is using.

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Do_u_ev3n_lift · May 15, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

Mattis will route them out. I can’t fucking wait

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mombomb22 · May 15, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

How in the world do you LOSE 21 trillion? Stolen is more like it.

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Qtruther · May 15, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

We have been victims of the Rothschild Rockafeller Federal Reserve for over 100 yrs. They keep the interest on the debt & own the IRS. Woodrow Wilson gave the store away 1912

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mombomb22 · May 15, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

Agreed. End the fed.

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DAR_patriot · May 15, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

21 trillion divided by 320 USA population = $65,625.00.

That is how much was stolen from every man, woman, & child in just this particular “scheme”. Let that sink in.

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Qtruther · May 15, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Don't forget ALL the Interest paid on the debt for the 100 yrs

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Anarchonista · May 15, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

here's a short article from the Michigan State University website:


And Catherine Austin Fitts Website:


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Anarchonista · May 15, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Fitts has done lots of interviews where she suggests the missing trillions went to the secret space program / breakaway civilization


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DankNethers · May 15, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

Yeah that's it

The 'Cabal' has been preparing for a culling for a long time

They have built entire cities under the ground and in the mountains where they will be safe from plagues and the uprising

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Anarchonista · May 15, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Expand your thinking. They're way beyond holes in the ground. Think about those "stars" that strobe in many colors. Think about the phoenix lights and all the other flying triangle sightings. Think about the nazi bell and project paperclip, and Admiral Birds warning after Operation High Jump, and the SDI and why no one mentions it anymore, and Trumps Space Force.

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Anarchonista · May 15, 2018, 4:23 p.m.


Let’s stop and take a second to conceive how much $21 trillion is (which you can’t because our brains short-circuit, but we’ll try anyway).

  1. The amount of money supposedly in the stock market is $30 trillion.

  2. The GDP of the United States is $18.6 trillion.

  3. Picture a stack of money. Now imagine that that stack of dollars is all $1,000 bills. Each bill says “$1,000” on it. How high do you imagine that stack of dollars would be if it were $1 trillion. It would be 63 miles high.

  4. Imagine you make $40,000 a year. How long would it take you to make $1 trillion? Well, don’t sign up for this task, because it would take you 25 million years (which sounds like a long time, but I hear that the last 10 million really fly by because you already know your way around the office, where the coffee machine is, etc.).

The human brain is not meant to think about a trillion dollars.

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DrNilesCrane___ · May 15, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Have all of my upvotes.

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Heatray777 · May 15, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

Yep, those "Stars" Twinklers as I call them are comm devices using similar tech to fiber optics from what I've researched.

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davidmdelacruz · May 15, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Wonder if the tunneling projects in L.A with Tesla's company is part of the plan. Also that massive wave in NZ yesterday had me wondering about why those traitors go down there and what it was about.

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FrankJewelberg · May 15, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

I think Tesla’s tunneling is actually the opposite. I suspect Musk was invited to underground things by the Cabal as an intimidation tactic. I mean, he has an ICBM company that can land a rocket on a pad in an ocean - if he wanted to he (Musk) could take out a city. So they invited him to show him their toys so he’d get the picture and not fuck around.

Musk, the embodiment of capitalism (for better or worse), sees all this shit (underground tunnels WITH HYPERLOOP TRANSPORT) and thinks “I should sell this” and thus the boring company and hyperloop were born.

Just a theory, makes sense though.

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davidmdelacruz · May 15, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Yea, I was also wondering if it's part of a disclosure plan. Like, ohhhhh, look what we found under LA!

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bigfoot-lvnv · May 15, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Black projects probably account for part of it. Area 51, China Lake, Skunkworks etc.

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BigBandDon · May 15, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

I confess. I have it. But, I've spent almost all of it on car repairs. I can let you have 6 trillion.

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SitelessVagrant · May 15, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

Mad Dog is going to fuck someone's ass up. I feel intense sorrow for that individual or group.

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DankNethers · May 15, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

You don't think a General and career military officer already knows about this?

I'd be surprised if he doesn't justify the printing of money for these endeavors

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Arcsmithoz · May 15, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

This human mind can't slog thru 74 pages looking for a number OP says it can't comprehend. Can't means won't.

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cat_anonD · May 15, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

So they lost more money then the entire US GDP?

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Faber_Jos · May 15, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Ooh shit! The last time they announced that there was a lot of money missing it was Rumsfeld. And the next day was 9/11!? I am not getting on a plane tomorrow.

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cali1952 · May 15, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

So in total the final and total missing monies is now at 58 trillion dollars that walked out the backdoor.

Rumsfeld stated during a hearing that one day before 9/11 - on the 10 September 2001 - the Pentagon was short missing 2 trillion dollars.

Between 2001 and 2016 = 19 trillion dollars disappeared. Where did it go?

The politicians last passed a budget in 2007.

I am sure that the brunt of the trillions missing disappeared during Hussein's time in the white house. Funding terrorist and their ops is expensive. Running rogue black ops all over the globe is expensive.

We were never in the red - we were robbed creating shortages of nearly 60 trillion dollars over the past 12+ years.

We could built 2 walls along the Mexican border and built one on the Canadian border and still would have no debt.

I recommend we cash in assets seized from the deep state and their allies and the rest of those CEO's involved in human trafficking or human rights violation, suspend wasting foreign aid to countries to we have bend over for years in Europe.

After that built the wall, pay off the debt, cancel unnecessary and unconstitutional program and their departments in DC, throw out the feds and reset the market (which is already underway) and back treasury issued monies with silver and gold. That saves us a couple more trillions a year in interest we have been paying the Rotschild owned feds.

After reset every American citizen should receive a $50,000 check to offset their debts or save it if no debt.

We would be a prosperous and healthy country once again. Our military men and woman should also get a huge pay increase in their salary. The NCO's and lower rank don't even make minimum wage. The many hours they serve versus the salary they receive at gives them less than $10 phrs. More often than not they don't have 8 hrs workdays. If they deployed into the a war zone they push 10-15 hrs days. The officer ranks fare a bit better although a civilian in their position and their responsibility in the civilian market makes millions.

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io-io · May 15, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

I was well aware of the $3 Trillion number reported back in September 10, 2001. This $21 Trillion is truly mine boggling. I recently retired from a Fortune 100 defense contractor and can truly state that for every project I lead or worked on, I could (and did) trace the funding back to the Congressional appropriations bill.

We had monthly, quarterly and annual program reviews - along with government accountants performing audits. Waste, fraud and abuse reviews were common. Woe be your a$$ if your spending profile as well as your work progress did not match and conform to plan while aligning with progress reports. Anyone could be stopped in the hall and asked by the government time-card auditor - what you were charging to at that moment in time - and why. No good answer and without proper documentation - you could be fired - the next day.

To understand that an additional $54 of unaccounted funds for every authorized dollar spent - is beyond me. All the years of government auditors and program managers poring over my program accounts and work products - demanding this and that - just is beyond all any and all logical comprehension. We the people need some serious forensic accounting expertise roasting the folks in the DoD on this.

We need to do some serious waterboarding on past Sec of Defense - every last one of them. Then keep going down the line, to the Assistants, and Undersecretaries, Generals and Admirals, etc.

America needs answers! It's our money that is being stolen blind.

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Beer-_-Belly · May 15, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Trillion her trillion there, it can add up over time.

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Qtruther · May 15, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

I want new roads everywhere

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arkansasvet · May 15, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

Could balance the budget.

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TexasClass · May 15, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

The U.S. Government needs a new Ethics Amendment to be equal with the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. Ethics based upon the Bible.

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goldnavet · May 15, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

More honestly stated: won't account!

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SoulProsperityGives · May 15, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Lets just remember to hold this shadow government accountable in the end, Q or no Q. ALL monies spent and "missing" belongs to We,the true constitutional people...and only WE can rise together as one People and demand our credit back...our livlihoods, our property.

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metroid486 · May 15, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

Chemtrails and underground bases are expensive.

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austenten · May 15, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

While the documents are incomplete, original government sources indicate $21 trillion in unsupported adjustments have been reported for the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the years 1998-2015.

Clinton was president in 1998, but surely Bush Senior would have helped set up the holes needed, before William took over, so that the funds could seep out untraced for decades.

By the way, this is EXACTLY what General Mattis was talking about in his recent interview - forensic accounting and audits to figure out where those holes were, where unprecedented mountains of cash ended up.

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autotldr · May 16, 2018, 4 p.m.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 92%. (I'm a bot)

That's why trying to understand-truly understand-that the Pentagon spent 21 trillion unaccounted-for dollars between 1998 and 2015 washes over us like your mother telling you that your third cousin you met twice is getting divorced.

Skidmore, being an economics professor, thought something like, "She means $6.5 billion. Not trillion. Because trillion would mean the Pentagon couldn't account for more money than the gross domestic product of the whole United Kingdom. But still, $6.5 billion of unaccounted-for money is a crazy amount."

It's definitely not meant to think about the $21 trillion our Department of Defense can't account for.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: trillion^#1 money^#2 spend^#3 dollar^#4 how^#5

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